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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by demonhorse

  1. demonhorse


    Nottingham and other cities like Leeds have also had bomb scares, monday night it jammed up the road outside my work. even Ilkeston had shops evacuated for what turned out to be an empty brown leather bag that some local numpty had left inside HSBC.
  2. the secret is indeed the same with most gambling... I've doubled my money at roulette a coupla times, paid for the rest of the night out anyways.
  3. Hahha just a thought, I can't wait to hear some americans on Flirt Divert when Mills is on sirius over there....
  4. Is that image free to use? I want to put it on my site anyways, even if it's not in time for the silence now.
  5. Yeah theres rough estates around London I'd rather live in, lol. *they're rougher than Ilkeston but somehow feel safer in these other estates, lol.
  6. crappy little town about an hour (bus travel) from Nottingham or Derby. Possibly the biggest town in the country with railway lines running through it, but no train station (it used to have THREE) http://www.chavtowns.co.uk/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1523 this article explains just some of the reasons I HAVE to move out of here... preferably back to mein fatherland of London, but Nottingham will do for now.
  7. someone explain to me what's supposedly so bloody great about Makosi, coz all I've seen so far is she's a woman with an afro that had a paddy when she couldn't open her suitcases, then about many other things but somehow manages to get most of the secret tasks Yet all this and people keep telling me how great she is. Science and Derek are the most interesting and amusing in the house for me, now that Saskia's gone anyways.
  8. means nothing, Moyles and co came to Ilkeston last december, and that's an absolute sh**ehole.
  9. Wouldn't know about Norfolk, but London ROCKS! As cities go Derby and Nottingham are ok, Birmingham's good.
  10. happy birthday... I would buy ya a pint, but oh damn.......... [scroll down] [keep going] [on second thoughts its not really worth the wait] [here it is.....] Ten Pence Short [talk about wasted space ]
  11. demonhorse

    100TH User

    The male ones are usually quiet about it? the ones I know are anyways.
  12. demonhorse

    100TH User

    Hmm a nurse too.... g'mornin. Are you Abi Titmuss?
  13. nah, just the only one who admits it
  14. Arrrgghhgh my sick sick mind....
  15. think it might have been the BBC2 one then, but there's been a few similar shows.
  16. nah that wasn't this show, that what I was talking about was on 4 I think, possibly something connected to Time Team.
  17. ahh right like that show where they built a trebuche (sp? kinda a giant catapult thingy) using original materials, only to have it spectacularly collapse?
  18. demonhorse


    A Brum local radio station, I think?
  19. demonhorse


    it can be done in paint, but it might lose a whole lotta picture quality. that said I shrunk mine down in Paint and it ain't turned out too bad.
  20. ahh don't remember the fat man... shows how good he was I guess. Clarkson, Hammond and May work so well together on that show.
  21. ahh not seen that one yet, but it doesn't sound like it would overly interest me anyway.
  22. dull series of BB you mean? lol I like Brainiac when I get to see it.
  23. Who was that geek on another series of Big Bro that's now doing Brainiac? Eugene could end up like him.
  24. demonhorse


    I totally agree, but happily from what I hear, yesterday's Birmingham evacuations went pretty smoothly. I have a DJ friend who also lives in Wolverhampton, so I have visited Birmingham a few times for some of her gigs (being in Wolverhampton yourself it's possible you might know her actually), and like the place. It seems to be a similar atmosphere to London. Attacks can happen even in smaller places and be equally devastating. Look at Lockerbie for instance. I heard of a lot of suspect parcels around the UK on friday, including one on the Nottingham tram system, my friend's boss was delayed in getting to work because of that one. For me, the London bombs brought the threat close to home anyways, but this did it even more so.
  25. have you turned into Jack Sparrow now?
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