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Everything posted by Lucinda

  1. There are some Bloodhound Gang lyrics that are beyond wrong. Particularly the song A Lapdance Is So Much Better When The Stripper Is Crying. It's just horrible and wrong in so many ways, but at the same time weirdly funny. There are other songs with terrible lyrics, but I don't tend to have them myself, so I can't think of any right now.
  2. I'm having a pretty bad day. Completely lost my voice this morning which wasn't a great start. Got it back at around 10:30am. Spent half an hour finding bread so I could make myself some toast. Then I found out that I owe my latin teacher 5 pieces of work, none of which I had any idea about, which will take me a few hours each... and some other work I thought I'd done from 2 months ago has disappeared so I guess I'll have to do it again. Got an economics mock later as well and then another one of monday for a different module. I know A levels aren't easy, but I'm having a lot of trouble at the moment.
  3. 1 month till my birthday *is excited* But.. it's in the middle of my exams I still feel quite ill today, lost my voice a couple of times already, and I feel really sleepy.
  4. Is anyone else slightly disturbed by the way the producer Lizzie is giggling? Love the way he says "no no no no no!" "rrruuuubbbissshh"
  5. I'm listening to the Tired and Emotional podcast on my Sony mp3 player... still makes me laugh
  6. Teleport Replay? Sounds like something out of science fiction...... I'm listening to [spunge] - Centrefold - a ska punk band. Saw them live on Halloween a couple of years ago
  7. I've been trying to learn Latin and falling asleep. Kennedy's Latin Primer has to be the oldest textbook still in general use - had a minor update in 1930, but otherwise just the same as the Victorian book. I don't understand a word of it, but apparently reading it is the key to success in my Latin. It's all confusing points of grammar, and half the time the English words are obsolete and make no sense. Also when something translates as "whither" or "thither" or "whence" it is not particularly helpful in 2006.
  8. Ema, how can you be on the phone and listen to music at the same time? One in each ear? I'm listening to Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol.
  9. I know it's not. I'd rather it was something they could sort out though because this cough just isn't going away and otherwise it's just a nasty virus. My sister developed asthma last year and my mum had it a lot when younger. But they said it's minor. The doctor asked me to blow into the peak flow thingy and I did but not hard enough and he said, "if you were breathing like that you'd be dead". I'm fine at the moment with most exercise, just not sustained running.
  10. I got an E in my latin mock I did yesterday.. but only one mark off a D. I only need a... B in Latin to get into Nottingham kinda worried right now. But I got an A in the geography essay I wrote on friday, so it wasn't all bad. Today I saw the third doctor in 3 weeks, and he thinks I might have asthma. John, how are you today? A boy from our school died of cancer last week and there was a funeral for him yesterday in school. It's really sad, he was only 15, even though I didn't know him that well.
  11. Lucinda

    I Spy!

    I was actually thinking television... honestly. But I didn't reply cos the school block image searches.
  12. Loving the Kooks. I found out at 3:30am ish this morning that their next single will be She Moves In Her Own Way. Mixed feelings about that: I love that song, but I've played it myself so much that it's in danger of getting boring, and the overplaying of Naive ruined the song for me. Someone in NME described the Kooks as "Busted with leather jackets". Did anyone else hear Hugh from the Kooks use the F word last night with Colin and Edith at about 8:05pm? I like the song It's Beginning To Get To Me by Snow Patrol. Heard the live version on Radio 1 on Saturday night, and I wish they'd play it again, not just Run and You're All I Have live versions again and again...
  13. I think soon my dreams will include the words "Radio 1's One Big Weekend in Dundee". The Chili Peppers thing irritated me a lot as well, the way they brought it up even after the gig had happened, for no reason. Why do the BBC advertise themselves so much when people are already watching or listening anyway? Sometimes I feel like going back to commercial stations just for some variety in the advertising - I tend to station surf during commercial breaks.
  14. I also bought the new RHCP album today. Virgin were trying to charge £50 for a 'limited edition' version.... *cough*rip off! I'm sorry about your grandad John. I woke up at 3:30am this morning in the middle of a nightmare and was too scared to go back to sleep so I listened to radio 1... some good music on at that time but I didn't get to sleep for about another hour and it made me feel bad all day. Had 2 mocks this morning and both went badly. 9 days of school left before exam leave, very weird to think of. I went home this afternoon then went to the orthodontist, and the stupid man told me I haven't been wearing my retainers, when I have. I can't wait till I don't have to go back there again. I got the train back and when I got to Brighton this person in front of me put his ticket in the barrier but it didn't work and I put mine in afterwards expecting him to have gone and he just walked through on my ticket and the machine swallowed my ticket and I was left standing there on the wrong side of the barrier ticketless. He turned and shrugged at me, smiled and walked off. I called him a fornicating illegitimate person (but not in that language) and everyone turned and looked at me. The guy on the gate let me through though so it was alright but that complete t****r ruined my day.
  15. If I hear the words "One Big Weekend" or "Dundee" again this week, I think I will hit something. It's getting extremely irritating. But I give it about 3 minutes before the One Big Weekend thing is brought up again... Dundee may have the biggest tent in Europe and the UK's biggest free music festival but Brighton has the Ladyboys of Bangkok! Go Brighton.........
  16. It's had it before. We got some medicine stuff for it and we've treated it several times. We lost one or two fish to it though, despite treating it. So I dunno... I think it's just old but invincible.
  17. Aww, I'm sorry. We have a goldfish at home called Godfrey (my sister's Dad's Army obsession) which my sister got when she was in year 6 (so 11) and she's 21 now, so it's a very old goldfish. Half the time I think it's about to die, but then it miraculously revives. It's tail is bent weirdly and half the time it just lies on the bottom of the tank looking half dead. Strange fish.
  18. Yeah, they do, I like them. Colin has some kind of pre-occupation with what is and isn't under his kilt...
  19. Aww, I'm sorry John. I remember when my grandma died a few years ago, it was like that, she died on Christmas eve in the end. Jono, I've got longer to go till the end of my exams. And I had to go back to school after AS levels too, which was a complete waste of time, but this year they'll all be over and then I'm free (till September and uni)
  20. Me too (coincidence...? I think not) but it's Editors (almost put 'the') Like this song, but not enough to actually buy the album at the moment.
  21. What kind of animal? Right now I'm using a computer on the world's crappest network. I just printed the essay I wrote earlier though, for once the printer actually works. I'm going to bed soon. And of course I'm listening to Colin and Edith
  22. Sick animal? I'm about to dash out of the door and catch a train back to school. Time crept up on me...
  23. Boy Kill Boy - Suzie. Loving this song! But... it's on Capital FM, of all the random stations that I rarely listen to.
  24. That's dedication to the TV... wow. I don't really know what I'll be doing next saturday, but probably not much, exams are too close to do anything. Jono, did you really think the BBC would fail to repeat something..?
  25. Feeder - Buck Rogers on Radio 1. Properly rocking out to this... love this song.
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