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Everything posted by Lucinda

  1. Lucinda

    I Spy!

    Um... You'd be able to see some of them too from the banana cam...
  2. Americans have no sense of humour. There you go, a racist, xenophobic comment :-p
  3. Lucinda

    I Spy!

    Um... yeah... sooo, anyway, your go to do one!
  4. Lucinda

    I Spy!

    That's insane... you're stalking me or something! Yes, a banana - there's about 3 bunches of bananas in the fruit bowl over there that I was looking at...
  5. Lucinda

    I Spy!

    I spy with my little eye something beginning with... "B" Any guesses?
  6. What do people think of Daz Sampson? I know there was a thread on this a couple of months ago, but it's the actual day, so time for a new one. I just heard the song. It's.. um... he's like, 38? And he's still singing about school. Makes you wonder what he's actually been doing for the last 20 years. Who actually chooses the Eurovision entries? I know plenty of people who could do a much better entry just in my school... It seems like a bit of a joke competition to me.
  7. I'm not their biggest fan, but I like both their albums. When I first got You Could Have It So Much Better I listened to just that for about 2 weeks... This Boy and The Fallen are awesome tracks. The video for Do You Want To is really cool, anyone else like it?
  8. I couldn't sleep last night. Haven't slept properly all week. I keep waking up in the night and having weird dreams and waking up early. I was listening to BBC World News at 1am and various other radio stations and eventually I put The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy cassette on cos it happened to be near me. I eventually got to sleep at about 2:30am then I woke up at 7:55am feeling like I'd been asleep for absolutely ages, and looked at my digital clock but my eyes can't focus when I first woke up so I saw the hour was a single figure and it was sunny outside so I thought I'd slept in past 1pm. But sadly not... So I got up and watched random kids TV and Big Brother live. The weather has been really strange. At about 10am I saw a huge angry dark grey cloud to the west, but it was sunny overhead. Literally less than 2 minutes later it was tipping down bucketloads of rain and hail, and my garden was underwater. Then about 5 minutes later, the rain got less intense, and by 10:20am it had stopped raining. Now it's blue sky and sunshine... The guy on XFM suggested putting buckets out then selling the water to Thames Water...
  9. I watched Big Brother Live at about 8:30am but nothing was happening. Eventually Shahbaz got up and took a shower and about 10 minutes of it was him washing his hair. One of the guys was sleeping on the floor, then he got up and got back on the bed. Exciting....... I also watched a bit of Big Brother's Little Brother which was a repeat from yesterday. That Nikki girl is so irritating and tries so hard to be a bimbo, it just makes me want to hit her... I can't see myself watching it regularly, but it looks like it could be quite amusing to watch from time to time.
  10. Lucinda

    I Spy!

    $34000 apparently. http://www.autoblog.com/2006/05/10/opel-prices-antara-crossover-at-34-000/ More photos of it, if anyone's interested: http://www.automobilemag.com/auto_shows/frankfurt/0509_opel_antara_gtc/ I know absolutely nothing about cars...
  11. Lucinda

    i am back!!

    I want some pringles now..... although since they took the MSG out, they're not so addictive or tasty. Welcome back, by the way.
  12. Heh, I was walking down a busy main road in Brighton the other day and the traffic was stopped at traffic lights but an ambulance drove up the wrong side of the road (with sirens blaring) then went in front of the traffic so it was the only thing on the stretch of road and then it got flashed by the speed camera, and it made me laugh, because they just wasted film and time and effort on catching an emergency vehicle, when there's a police station and a hospital on that road so it must happen a lot. I don't drive, so speed cameras don't really bother me, but it does seem unfair that they fine you more if it goes to court.
  13. Lucinda

    I Spy!

    A couple of guesses in image form...
  14. Don't know any names but last night I saw the bunny girl going into the house when I walked past... she just looks pathetic and annoying from the start. And a girl at school persuaded some of her friends that the gay asian dude is her uncle, she phoned someone and got her to pretend to be her mum to confirm it was her uncle... I think they were very bored, but the other girls believed her.
  15. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/tm_objectid=17101067&method=full&siteid=94762&headline=berry--racist-moyles--name_page.html read it and decide... he was impersonating a black man or something.
  16. I was sitting on the train and saw the reflection of the person in front of me's paper in the window and read the word "Moyles" backwards in the window, then looked up the story when I got home. I'm sure he was just joking, and Halle Berry just didn't find it funny. I dunno really.
  17. I looked at the photo on the previous page of Chris Moyles and Dave, and maybe because I'm very tired, at first glance I thought Chris had a ferret crawling up his shoulder :-? Perhaps I should go to bed...
  18. What is your full name? Lucinda *three middle names* *last name* What colour "nickers" are you wearing? Turquoise. What are you listening to right now? Hands Open by Snow Patrol... and the hum of an air filter. What is the last thing you ate? A piece of half-toasted bread -- I was hungry... Do you wish on stars? No, never actually done that. How is the weather right now? Ridiculously windy, about -50 windchill. Last person you talked to on the phone? My mum... Do you like the person who sent you this? No one sent it to me... I got it off the forum. But the forum people are cool How are you today? Got a nasty cough, and I've done lots of mock A2 levels, but I'm good. Favourite drink? iced tea Favourite alcoholic drink? vodka and coke Favourite sport? Cycling. But I'm not a sporty person. At school I do shooting though. Hair colour? Well... some would say ginger, maybe strawberry blonde. It's going more blonde now though cos it's been sunny. Eye colour? Blue Do you wear contacts or glasses? Nope, I can see fine. Number of siblings? 1 sister aged 21 Favourite food? dunno really... most of what I eat is crappy school food. Favourite pet? I had a cat when I was younger, they're nice. Last movie you watched? At the cinema, Brokeback Mountain. At home, can't really remember. It's rare for me to sit through a film. Favourite Day of the year? Maybe my birthday, dunno really. What do you do to vent anger? Swear usually. I rarely show anger though. What was your favourite toy as a child? I liked toy cars. Summer or winter? Summer. I like it being light late at night. But I don't like trying to sleep when it's hot, or insects. Hugs or Kisses? Hugs Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate. When was the last time you cried? Must have been quite a while ago. I can't really remember. What did you do last night? Translated some latin, wasted time with friends and went for a walk on Brighton seafront with a friend. Favourite smells? Nicely cooked food. Who inspires you? certain bands or musicians, some people I know. What are you afraid of? Deep water and to an extent heights and sometimes the dark. Favourite car? Don't like cars. Favourite flower? Tulips or daffodils. Number of keys on your key ring? Got 2 keyrings. 2 keys on each. Can you juggle? With 2 balls... but that's not really juggling. Favourite day of the week? Probably thursday, cos I have the least lessons. What did you do on your last birthday? Spent the day in school, skived my history lessons and watched TV, then went home and a friend came round for dinner. Do you have a donor card? Yes Single or Taken? Single. Last time you had sex? Someone asked me how many months since last week. I'll only say that I can count it on both hands. Do you work? Not yet... need to get a job though. How much do you get an hour? Sadly I pay to go to school... Do you have a crush? Yeah, a couple, nothing serious though. It's not worth it. Do they know? One yes, one I think not. Favourite 3 songs? Radiohead - Karma Police, Matt Nathanson - Laid, Savage Garden - Crash and Burn Last thing you watched on T.V? A bit of the One Big Weekend red button stuff last monday. Last C.D you bought? new Red Hot Chili Peppers album.
  19. Oh yeah, I saw that Harrogate was getting an HMV when I went on their site looking for jobs... but sadly I don't live anywhere near, so it's no help to me that they're recruiting This morning I lost my voice again. It was bad, cos the teacher asked me a question and I knew the answer but I couldn't say it, and my mate was telling me what to say as well, but I just couldn't say it... 5 days of lessons left, and I'm thinking I'm going to really miss some of the people in my classes. Did another mock today, but it was ok. Worked in all my frees. Last night I woke up every hour though, and had a horrible dream about a massive spider crawling on me - I'm not even scared of spiders.
  20. Most people round here will watch anything on TV... first it was Desperate Housewives, then Lost as well, and now Big Brother. I lost interest in Lost and Big Brother pretty quickly, and never seriously watched Desperate Housewives. I hate having to watch a particular program at a particular time and remember to watch it. I can remember my school timetable and everything else I'm doing perfectly, but not TV...
  21. I can't be the only person in the UK who thinks BB's gone on for too many series........ am I?!
  22. Is that enough to keep you entertained for however many weeks it's on?
  23. What's so interesting about it? I have to go and finish that ****ing latin I've been avoiding. I went for a long walk on the seafront to avoid doing it... But I'll go and take a look - is it still on?
  24. Ah... Big Brother launch tonight! I was wondering why there's absolutely no one around -- they must all be upstairs glued to the TV. TV isn't really my kind of thing, as I've said before. I might flick through Big Brother tomorrow night when I'm home if my parents aren't watching a DVD. I get easily bored by reality TV because I already live a life and see lots of people and I don't want to sit down and watch some more people interacting. And I've read those stories about what it does to people's self esteems, being criticised by the nation.
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