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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by Lucie

  1. Let me be the first to say: Jaasoon Deruuuloo!
  2. Happy Birthday, Beccy! hope you're well again soon so you can have a massive birthday bash!
  3. She's said that before. Not critising her, she is pregnant after all, but she does like to stay things like that without thinking people will take her seriously, especially on twitter.
  4. I imagine I won't be watching this year's. No matter how much or little they bang on about it, I just can't bring myself to care. Nothing against them or the show, I just don't think what they're doing there is that interesting or good. Last year's musical was okay, but that was because it was relevant to the show, had links to this site and was a one off (we thought). A one man stand up show has never and most likely won't ever interest me.
  5. Hopefully they won't leave Music 4. I love all the work they do with the station, especially Moyles' jingles. Maybe they'll still happen with another company, or another approach may improve it, but here's hoping nothing changes too soon.
  6. As I'm unsure of the relevance most of this thread has, I thought Id go ahead and say this: Does anyone remember Scottitude (Two spoons, Dave Spoooon)? Ive had it in my head for days now. It's driving me batty! Congrats to Gareth as well and that
  7. I'm a bit of a Matt Fincham geek when it comes to 1tros Hopefully they'll just be 'on a break'
  8. I used to check this site more than is probably healthy, but now I don't really have as much time. I do check at least once a week, recently once a day because, well, I don't know. I do lurk more often than reply to threads though. I know once September comes I won't be on here as often! I am a member of another forum "full time" which I do the same with too. Sorry to be unfaithful, Jono. :*
  9. I think it's Stephen Fry maybe? Not sure, he's well up there though, if you'll excuse the pun.
  10. I wonder if they'll have security on over the festive period? Maybe we could go and stand by Radio 1 to get pictures with them!
  11. I don't see where this is going at all
  12. You're one of those people who slag other artists off who apparently copy her because they sound similar to her when they sing (like Kate Nash, Eliza Doolittle) aren't you? I've never understood that. Also, I don't think you can compare Lily Allen to Cheryl Cole. The only likeness they have is that they are both semi-current female artists. Cheryl's fame came from being on a reality show, becoming a wag, ditching her band and then working on another reality show. Lily Allen's fame came from being discovered by producers (when she teamed up with Mark Ronson, he was virtually an unknown too), finding fame on her own, and building up her reputation. Her Dad may be who he is, but essentially she still has her career now because of her own talents. /rant /coolstorybro
  13. So r Sam & Mark goin on the show or not?? Lucie
  14. Yeah, I missed it too. I've been watching This Morning a lot lately, too, but they decided to go onto the show the morning I got my haircut. Sigh. Probably for the best though. Having to watch Grimmy on my TV for more than a few seconds would have most likely angered me beyond control and resulted in my fist through the screen. Git.
  15. Happy Birthday Aled! Where's the past year gone all of a sudden? Crickey!
  16. I have heard of 2 of these people. I am so uncool. By the way, what's the deal with the upside down smiley?
  17. Unbelievable. I saw this yesterday - ever since, I've had "Pecknaarrrm!" in my head.
  18. They banned calls in which they made the person seem 'inferior' or 'victimised' didn't they? Not sure of the exact wording. I suppose Flirt Divert can be seen to be that type of feature, but since Radio 1 didn't actually call the other people then they might be able to escape the wrath? Not sure. They'd need a new number to do it anyway. I love the feature but I doubt it'll return
  19. The IT Crowd is my absolute favourite. "Memory IS RAM! Ooooh dear!"
  20. I loved Ivy. I have been following for about a year now I think. The residential home she was living at was incredible. They do so much for everyone there. Just for Ivy, they organised for her to meet her all time favourite Peter Andre, and he stayed in touch and spoke to her loads. He even sent flowers to her in hospital last week and spoke to her everyday on the phone! What a gent. Ivy followed me on twitter too, what a privilege!
  21. Lucie


    I loves it!
  22. Aww, bless the reporter guy! I don't think I've ever had a moment of such accidental precision.
  23. They are on tv at the moment actually, Tom. They do stuff for This Morning regularly and have about 3 cbbc shows (2 with new series' in the pipeline). They are actually very successful. Doubt they'd be on the show though; R1 doesn't really promote rival radio shows or children's TV!
  24. Agreed! Brilliant line-up seeing as Moyles is off. Best cover DJ schedule for what seems like a long, long time. Can't wait!
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