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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by equalsabracket

  1. Doesn't becky look quite the double of matt lucas + hair here? http://www.unofficialmills.co.uk/communities/attachment.php?attachmentid=2732&d=1250177199
  2. Them talking about the stuff you can get on your phone reminds me of something i've been thinking about - can i get sound clips off the show, mainly the oh whats occuring theme tune as my ringtone?
  3. Did anybody else try changing the urls to say part 5 just to see if it would work? Gutted it didn't, will just have to wait 'til tomorrow.
  4. They're always calling him Lord Sugar now, it'll be so weird when the apprentice returns. "Lord Sugar is on the hunt for another apprentice." Makes him sound like a sith.
  5. That was really good, can't wait for the next part tomorrow!
  6. That show was really great. Posh radio 4 lady live was great too.
  7. I wish it was easier to find stuff on their website. It's all a big muddle atm.
  8. This is like christmas come early. Fake chappers instead of real chappers. Live from edinburgh fringe. LIVE Posh Radio 4 Lady, 4 puffs and a piano etc.
  9. Just now on 8 out of 10 cats they showed a few clips from that educational thing that was on scotts show a few weeks ago about showing japanese people how to speak english (the one where they were singing 'i was robbed by 2 men, i was robbed by 2 men'). Do you think they stole it off scott's show or do you think it's coincidence?
  10. I really want to see an audition where they do it in the style of a big brother audition. *liverpool accent* 'I'm 2 faaaaced, i'm a total bitch, if you're gonna say something to me, don't say it behind my back, say it to my face.'
  11. That'd be good, but not a week, that'd get boring as quickly as Dogface and Halfwit. Maybe 3 days? And speaking of those, i wonder if they'll let them change their names back at some point (on the same day they'll let Nadine remove her glasses presumably) or whether they'll make them be called that all the way through the series.
  12. It seems like in her relationship with Sophia, Sophia is the one with the problem, Saffia just seems to not know what's going on with Sophia ignoring her and continually being nasty to her. If it was over that though, surely she could just wait 2 more days until friday and keep out of her way until then then Sophia would probably go.
  13. I hope they change his name back actually, it was funny at first hearing Big Brother and Marcus Bentley referring to him as Halfwit, but up to 13 weeks of that? Really?
  14. Wow, Derren Brown and Scott Mills are my 2 favourite celebrities atm. So Derren Brown on Scott Mills' show, smashing.
  15. And so were the 125 others who have clicked this so far, hehe. Also interesting to note the amount of guys replying in here compared with the ladies.
  16. Not really, but Beccy said in the interview they check the forums so we should put something here to shock them.. I think I just did.* It'll be interesting to see if they click it. *Please don't ban me.:cry:
  17. After searching on google maps, here's a picture of the inside: It looks quite nice, i wouldn't mind eating there if i was in the area. Here it is on google maps: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Mya+Lacarte&sll=52.019029,-0.770427&sspn=14.952392,46.582031&g=england&ie=UTF8&ll=51.468227,-0.971606&spn=0.000922,0.002843&t=h&z=19&iwloc=A In terms of location, it does seem a bit out of the way and in the middle of some neighborhood. I would've thought it would do better in a shopping area.
  18. No problem. I think Yasmina should've picked Rocky to go on her team at the beginning to get Phil on Kate's team though so he would distract her hopefully. Rocky looked a bit depressed and didn't seem to really contribute much. Did anybody else get that impression? I can't remember why he got fired now or how he was. Anybody remember?
  19. I wasn't listening but it's probably this I'm glad Yasmina won. She was a dark horse and i didn't really pay much attention to her for a while but once i did i noticed she was very good!
  20. I like the way Google Chrome gives the web page more space. I think it's taking away the bar at the bottom which makes it display really well. I use firefox though, but will be willing to try out chrome when it comes out for mac.
  21. Ah right, thanks Jono. How many people here listen to podcasts and how many listen to the live show? I listen to the podcasts myself (and because i've finished college i'm falling further and further behind, heh).
  22. Hey everyone, just started coming on this forum properly now. I'm just triyng to work this thread out, is it a general-chat-about-anything-not-worth-its-own-thread thread?
  23. It's only the newspapers (and Andrew Sachs) that keep going on about that prank phone call now, nobody else is interested or bothered anymore. I don't think that'll affect anything, and he did lose a lot of money over that (probably about £1.5 million if he's on a £6 million salary) already. I think they're just trying to make connections between the two when the connections they should be making is between his possible pay cut and the recession. I don't understand why the bbc need to be cutting back on costs though, other than to set an example? I'm guessing more or less the same amount of people still pay their tv licenses and they therefore get the same amount of money.
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