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Nik B.

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Everything posted by Nik B.

  1. Nik B.


    Well, the thing with 1tros is that because it Has to be that melody (You know, that you can very easily sing Radio 1 over), It's very limited. So some for a handful of songs aren't going to fit at all. Which is a shame but not much can be done with it.
  2. Yeah We can hope.... Aled, you should have that job permanent like!
  3. I wouldn't exactly say it "Just" missed Jono, thats a fairly large margin.
  4. iTunes must make a bundle off of silly people choosing instrumentals rather than the original I mean you can preview the track so wheres the mistake?!
  5. Damn I'm not in Leeds on the 8th... I'm not in Leeds at all actually! Will he broadcast from Leeds on the day then? Or get up there after the show?
  6. I noticed! but I couldn't bring myself to say so... anyway sounds good, looking forward to playing spot the difference
  7. I can make it available for download, as I have a version of it clipped up, however, it's not the original, it's from of the more Recent Oh!s, you know where they put it in any old where. Jono if you want to avoid clipping it, I'll happily send it to you for use on UM
  8. Yeah is about time it came back now, I'm sure that with a number change it could be back with a vengeance again
  9. Would I be correct in thinking that the email address of this perticular scam is @notify-server-x.com? Name and shame, make the world a better place
  10. To be honest Lucinda, it wouldn't surprise me if Jamie Oliver has started paying them, hes in them so much.
  11. Looking forward to it Aled, sounds like an interesting new direction for the surgery Also, we're always happy to hear from you on surgery related things
  12. Nik B.

    Ahh I see, Nice oneits good :D

  13. Ohhh yes Love Actually is perfect for this time of year, One of the movies I have to officially see this Christmas now!
  14. Well, by instrumental it isn't Kareoke, It's just the song with all the vocals removed
  15. Rob -> :whack: <- IRR Happy now?
  16. Elected Dictator? Also I haven't a clue why I'm participating in this thread
  17. I dunno, I don't really have anything I must watch at christmas movie wise, I jsut tend to find something brilliant on Sky Movies or if terrestrial are showing something good, But I must say the christmas movies brought out in the last 4 or 5 years have been appalling. I think i'll stick to the classics ta
  18. Yeah call me stupid but... What are you lot on about?
  19. Fraser you're officially Welcomed alonged, hope you stick around!
  20. :| Rob. :whack: Alright, Same here, I'm a really horrible person
  21. They're all as good as each other. Well, i'm not a liar so i will say that most ads full stop are absolutely dire. That said they do become marginally better at christmas, until you realise they are basically trying to use a time for families, friends, etc. to come together in a day of happiness and love to increase there profit margin. So damn them all.
  22. Nik B.

    Hey Rob whats your Forum avatar? it's really good :D

  23. don't spose it would be possible to make "A horse for One bin" available as a download is it? I want it as my message tone
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