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Everything posted by Sassy

  1. Taboo & Lemonade normally but I'm lovin' VK Ice atm! Oh and Gym Class Heroes - Clothes Off! x
  2. hehehe I am so happy that I got hacked it's cos I have an upload script and it let them upload a php file which created a new index file. DID YA HEAR THE MUSIC? Off-topic completely but whatever trevor.
  3. He's waiting to meet me, silly.
  4. You have too much time on your hands me_man.
  5. Your Birthdate: November 23 You're not good at any one thing, and that's the problem. You're good at so much - you never know what to do. Change is in your blood, and you don't stick to much for long. You are destined for a life of travel and fun. Your strength: Your likeability Your weakness: You never feel satisfied Your power color: Bright yellow Your power symbol: Asterisk Your power month: May What Does Your Birth Date Mean? http://blogthings.com/whatdoesyourbirthdatemeanquiz/ ahahah i like that
  6. Haha I love that. In reference to my other pic, I'm definitely not a slut, but I MIGHT just qualify as a little bit chubby I love the guy with make-up one!
  7. He's joined to my hip. I sent a telepathic permission slip for signage.
  8. Yeah well your eyes offend my picture. STOP LOOKING.
  9. Lucinda you are adorable! I just saw that pic on your myspace too EDIT: I'M SORRY IF MY B-EFFING-OOBS OFFEND YOU. Jeeeeesus.
  10. Behelzebub looks a lot like this girl on this other forum that I go on! Like twins. Amma check the myspace out in a sec and I will add it because I am DOWN with this myspace thang! *Cool kid shades etc*
  11. You're getting pretty good at this crossing the line business, Jono! Amma cut yo up biatch.
  12. (Am I annoying you yet?) Due to the recent events of the forum, what with language/censorismness offending people and the like, I think it would only be fair if your lovely self would uncensor my town's name. Thankyouplease.
  13. Awh I love lights and the way cities look at night. I'm so bad for the environment. Somebody take a picture of yourself! I wanna put faces to names
  14. Ohh cool, that looks way cooler than where I live. I was kidding about the urban thing. Scu*thrope is small and rubbish.
  15. Oh wow. Can you collect some sweat samples for me please? I gotta get me some of ebay's sweet cash.
  16. You guys live in such posh places. Does radio even EXIST there? Amma take a pic out my window... Pic is poo coz it's webcam. The red blob is an estate agents, the blue blob is a disused factory, and the green blob is terraced housing. Oh and I'm above a Sewing Machine Shop! URBAN baby lol
  17. I wish I had a table tennis table
  18. Of you. Or what you're doing. Or what you're eating. Or what you're next door neighbour's cat is licking. Now. Do it.
  19. It's a once a week ritual. That's why it merits being written on UM.
  20. It's 14.51 and so far all i've done today is have a bath and join UM. Not the most constructive of days, but here we are. It's sunny outside though, I feel obliged to go out an enjoy it.
  21. I'm so disappointed in BBQ. Wtf is BBQ RIB? They're Rib n Saucy Nik Naks in Crisp form. Yuk. When I moved from Scotland to England when I was six, I was super confused, this was like '95, and where I lived, Cheese and Onion was green, and Salt and Vinegar blue, but when we came here, Walkers were biiig, and the colours were the wrong way round. It still seems a bit wrong, 12 years later! x
  22. Yeah, the person who said stick to your usual price range, that was the best advice. Show that there's no hard feelings and you still love her lots Even if she has been a bitch.
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