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Unofficial Mills


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About me_man

  • Birthday 10/08/1970

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  1. Okay, I spent the time to register because this is really getting up my wick spout. I keep hearing the use of what seems to be "off've". Can I first say it's grammatically incorrect. It's supposed to mean "off of" as in “Dave off of the telly†- but it's an American terminology, British speakers should be saying "from" as in “Dave FROM the tellyâ€. "Off've" has another problem, the "off" bit obviously means off, the " 've " bit is an abbreviation of have, as in "would've" ie. would have. So this means "off've" is saying "off have" - which is just totally wrong. "Dave off have the telly" - see? Now when you Google the word "off've" it only appears on Scott Mills and the radio one website - I mean if you're going to through the trouble of adding an apostrophe to make it look more credible, why not just use the correct words? Please stop using it, it seems so contrived. Thanks :evil:
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