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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by dstrkzn

  1. Im actually looking forward to it i think it might be pretty good
  2. With a bit of Luck Obama but the fact that the american voters re-elected George Bush after his first term shows anything can happen. If McCain becomes president then theres a good chance that Sarah Palin might need to take over at some point, tbh that scares me more than bush. Mentalist.
  3. Its not embarrassing. Greg James said i was 'Awesome' and im a scott mills fan therefore YOU are Awesome
  4. I was wearing the heels didnt make a difference lol
  5. I Do Love a bit of scooter. But this is unacceptable! What were they thinking? http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=I2R-80-7s_I
  6. btw he is mega tall! He kept catching me staring at him. I also sorta did an unofficial mills shout lol but i doubt theyll use it btw gregs blog has been updated, no pics from last night yet
  7. I went last night Got my picture with Gregory I might be on the radio tonight sounding like a right idiot.
  8. Your 23! Ive changed my plans ill be hunting down gregory tomoro night
  9. I used to work in one, it was in one of scotlands biggest shopping centres but it shut down and hasnt been replaced. I only really go in if im bored on a break at work
  10. I got killers tickets finally at like 11.20 like an hour after the sold out on ticketmaster lol woop <3 Secc!
  11. Deleted Woop Points to what Rocks
  12. Apparently there's a Radio 1 Freshers Tour. Greg is DJing at 'Campus' at the Uni of Glasgow on Monday Night! And cheap drinks! So tempting Any UMers going?
  13. dstrkzn


    Ive only listened to one or two of his shows but i reckon he's pretty good. I dont think anyone can ever really replace dave pearce though.
  14. Killers Tix Tomoro Just got offered a £1250 free overdraft with an rbs student account lol and they gove you £100.
  15. What makes google think drunk people cant do maths?
  16. I dont think ive ever got a £5 note from a bank machine. The worst thing is when you press £20 and they give you £200 then you get all excited thinking theyve just gave you a free £180 only to realise they have taken your £200
  17. LAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrra!

  18. I tried to buy a 16gig one in Red today No Luck Apple Shop in Glasgow and John Lewis were all out so i stopped trying i guess its a sign. No Ipod for Meee
  19. The combination of 5 days of work 2 days of college and the deadlines ive missed despite being just a few weeks into the start of my college course...
  20. Im Mark and im uninteresting uninterested
  21. dstrkzn

    Formula 1

    Oh My God has 'Lol' been unbanned? And OnTopic i like formula 1 Im more of a fan of Robert Kubica than anyone else:)
  22. Following on from the how many.... [computers or mobiles] you have ive got a question The Thinnest Ipod Apple has unveiled the latest version of its iPod Nano, featuring what it says are the thinnest measurements yet. The fourth generation Nano was launched at a US press conference by Apple chief Steve Jobs, who announced new shuffle and library features. He also listed the Nano's environmental credentials, including arsenic-free glass and a mercury and PVC-free body that is "highly recyclable". The Nanos are expected to sell in the UK for £109 ($191) for the 8GB version. The 16GB version will retail at £149 How Many Ipods have you had? I had one of the old Shuffles that was like the size of a packet of chewing gum, then i got an old nano then i got one of the most recent nanos. What exactly is the obsession with Apple over other mp3 player brands? Is it the white earphones?? lol
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