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Everything posted by sinister

  1. I read your Olly stuff with "nosey twat' interest. Dannip15, I highly recommend you just get shot and don't look back. From what I've read, you'll never be able to trust him, and he obviously doesn't think too highly of you by the way he treats you. There's a whole world of people out there, go find a different one that will love you for who you are and not treat you like an accessory. You could start by deleting his phone number.
  2. Maggie also took us to a war in the south atlantic that could have been stopped before an argentine set foot anywhere near the Falklands. But then she wouldn't have won the following election would she? Maggie decimated a third of the Uks manufacturing base. Maggie gave away all the north sea oil revenue in tax breaks for the rich instead of investing it in the infrastructure of the country. Maggie sold off everything the tax payer owned on the cheap so rich people could make a killing on the stock exchange. Maggie decimated countless communities north of watford and left them to rot. Maggie introduced the poll tax. Maggie stopped my free school milk. There will be celebrations in towns and cities, mostly north of watford, when she shuffles off her mortal coil. . Lived over a decade under each party, my experience and recollections are that life under the tories was more miserable than life has been under tory lite.
  3. Depends if smelled a bit off or not.
  4. Actually, that is quite a major contribution to world peace in itself.
  5. If he's clever he won't declare 'war' but perhaps have a 'conflict' or even an 'emergency'
  6. Excellent, been too long since I've had a bit of Cox in my life.
  7. Don't care won't care. Stupid bloody awards.
  8. They're the in thing at the moment in places like shoreditch. I hate that style of glasses from the days when that was the only style you could get.
  9. The Ivy's a place where people with too much money go to get over charged for food and drinks. Often frequented by potential rapists adept at kicking a bag of air about but little else. Good on Deeley refusing to do the hi five thing. I won't do it either.
  10. There was a very interesting documentary ages back investigating religion and religious visions . Trying to sum up in a few lines is difficult, but the conclusions came down to once again, how the brain works. They had a group of volunteers ranging from no godders to full on godders. They all had a spell in an isolation chamber that isolated them from all outside stimuli, sound, radiowaves etc. On their heads they wore an apparatus that recorded brain activity and generated magnetic fields targeted at specific areas of the brain. The full on godders experienced religious happenings and visions in the chamber, while the non godders did not. It went into a lot more detail than the scratchy bits I can recall and was a very interesting take on the subject. The poll results actually gave me a bit of a lift. I have nothing against people wanting to follow their various gods, but I do object to it being taught in schools. If the religion is so strong and righteous why do they find the need to indoctrinate children from an early age? Give them the opportunity to choose for themselves later on in life. I'd all so like to see all the special status that religions get removed.
  11. There was an alcohol free beer called something similar once.
  12. Yes a dictatorship like we had under heir thatcher. Everyone seems to think things are so bad under the current lot, but I remember things being far far bleaker under reichs chancellor thatcher*. *not including the minority of parasites who get us into this mess from the city of London.
  13. I've just come back from my mates cremation. Suicide is far from painless for those left to pick up the pieces. Rob Moore http://www.flickr.com/photos/sinister-pictures/sets/72157622446649422/
  14. Having struggled with depression for over a decade since suffering PTSD, survived two OD attempts, and now dependent on anti-depressants, I would advise anyone who feels suicidal to speak to someone, even the Samaritans. Depression is an illness caused by brain chemistry. Things around you and your life will all be amplified on the downside because of a lack of dopamine and or serotonin. It's not a case of cheering up, which is one of the worst things you can say to someone suffering from depression. Anyone can suffer from depression, it doesn't recognise social standing, wealth or anything like that, the same as pig flu or any other illness does. The term depression is used far too often to describe just feeling fed up. Depression is far more reaching than being just fed up. The hardest part is recognising it yourself and then seeking professional help. As for suicide, a couple of things to bear in mind, Some poor sod has to find you no matter how you do it, put yourself in their place. It's a very selfish act, I'm still incredibly angry at my mate who hanged himself last week. Seeing the distress in the faces of those he's left behind I can only describe as haunting.
  15. Your dads a man of good taste!
  16. This will be the third time this debate has come up in my lifetime on differing formats. First of all it was the cassette tape. Oh lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth from the music industry on how the cassette tape would be the final nail in the coffin of the record companies. The uproar when the first twin deck cassette machines were manufactured, the record companies even wanted them banned. Lets not forget kids, home taping is killing live music. Odd that live music seems to still be alive and kicking long after the demise of the C90 cassette. Next was home CD burning, people would instantly stop buying new music, instead people would be just making perfect digital copies from other copies. A much bigger threat than tape because there's no degradation in quality with a digital duplicate. Now it's file sharing. As everyone may have noticed, the music industry has collapsed under this onslaught and new music is no longer available. Anyone hear boys crying wolf from the silence? Attacking the technology of the day is pointless, something that seems to have passed the record industry bods by, with them not learning from past experience. The recording industry will just have to adapt around it like it always has, I just wish they'd get on with it without all the bleating and wailing choruses of doom.
  17. are we talking compact point and shoot or dslr?
  18. I saw it last night after the league cup footy highlights, didn't even realise it was cotton till the last close up, though I wasn't paying too much attention.
  19. I agree with that Viv. I do question her motives though by making the info tabloid knowledge. She should just sort it out herself with qualified people in private.
  20. I'm not easily shocked but it came as a complete bolt out of the blue. Strange mix of feelings, great anger, sadness and loss all at the same time. Going to miss the stupid sod a lot.
  21. friend of mine hanged himself last night.
  22. I'd like Becci to kick the crap out of my old boss
  23. So about the same amount a couple of chavs can get in during a ten minute bus ride then. Not as many does, innits, jurgetmees and yeahs in the original though. Forgot to do a basically count though.
  24. no most likely a minion from the time bandits!
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