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Everything posted by AndyK77

  1. There was also a joke in another episode where William told Jordan he'd replace him with Jamie Laing. Jordan says "I left"
  2. I wouldn't see the two as linked.
  3. Undoutedly the show annoys the bigots who don't like them for what they are. However, I simply don't like the show as it feels poor quality and out of sync with the sound of the station.
  4. Even at a simple level - why couldn't Nat have taken over immediately? It's not such an important slot that "oh no we spoil the impact of it being Nat and Vicky if we start Nat on her own first".....
  5. I was gutted when Jordan left - that was my favourite show on the station but I found Sam and Danni a decent replacement...whereas this...
  6. It's a bizarre thing though....it would be nice to hear a few more tracks from the past 10 years mixed into daytime. However, at the other extreme, I find it odd how often really old tracks come up on Anthems and even the likes of Soundsystem Party and Dance Anthems. The odd throwback is great but sometimes it feels too much.
  7. I hate reverse snobbery and I post this reluctantly as we shouldn't hold Jamie's background against him, but I do think many listeners will find it hard to identify with Jamie. One of the things that made Jordan so popular was he sounded like the mate you go for a pint with who always has a great story to tell.
  8. Absolutely - life would be dull if we all liked the same things
  9. I dunno if it is me but even Vick and Katie don't sound as good in that slot alone as they did before. Maybe I have just fallen out of love with it all.
  10. Clara was always a decent, competent and even good music radio presenter. But equally, she never provoked really strong emotions in me that I must listen or must switch off.
  11. Jamie is definitely very divisive though. Some people's "radio comedy gold" is other people's "unlistenable". I have liked Matt and Mollie, Matt on his own, Mollie and Jordan etc etc. But couldn't listen to Matt with Jamie. No hate on Jamie but I just don't like his sense of humour.
  12. The dynamics of this are interesting. Jordan works best with people he knows and he already knows Chris and Sian so from day one it should sound fairly natural.
  13. It's rather sad that Pink News is even running this - they should know better.
  14. I was invested in the show when it was Vick and Jordan / Katie - now I don't pay attention and might leave the station when Jordan starts on Capital. What I do hear is a mix of formulaic and awful. It's strange how one person leaving a station can affect your outlook on the whole station.
  15. Jordan North's Vaping Documentary was well done. He could easily do more of this stuff.
  16. With Greg staying on and Jordan gone - my money is on Sam and Danni but not for at least 2 years.
  17. My point wasn't that the challenge was fake - though obviously some of the timings are managed to fit a finish during Going Home even though it went wrong yesterday. What I meant was some of the drama is clearly theatre. I mean Matt and others have been genuine and touching about personal stories and I am not suggesting fake but there is certainly added theatre along the way to create better radio and fuel donations.
  18. Yes - let's not forget how long radio stations have been on TV - since the early 90s. It used to be the only easy way of listening to stations you couldn't get on FM and the chance to hear some MW/AM stations in better quality. Different world really...
  19. Am I too cynical thinking some of the drama is more theatre than anything?
  20. It also feels a bit "beneath" Roman.. filling in for high profile slots on Radio 2 feels more likely.
  21. Jordan likes keeping his private life private - that’s going to create questions. But whatever the case it’s his business.
  22. Roman Kemp would be far too expensive for that slot.
  23. That's my view too. Most of us had been predicting Matt leaving and Greg leaving and being replaced Jordan. When we think of the biggest still upcoming talents on the station such as Sam and Danni and Jack Saunders we would expect central roles. But now who could predict them not leaving for bigger jobs elsewhere! Right now my best guess until the end of 2025 is stability with maybe a few minor changes to specialist shows. (Maybe Daniel P Carter moving on, maybe some of the Dance DJs being snapped up for bigger roles elsewhere, there is amazing talent in Danny, Sarah, Charlie Tee and Jeremiah).
  24. Jamie is off today - the show sounds absolutely fine!
  25. Not a shock as in the interim it allows Katie to have from Thursday evening to Monday morning with her husband and it was obvious Vick was going to exit from the show even before the Jordan saga. Also gives Lauren as a cover presenter for the whole station.
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