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Everything posted by MrDoovdeHaxorz

  1. liked some of those Custard songs, but I think the PCD clip was the funniest one. oh and g'af'noon
  2. I didn't hear much of him, but I assumed him to be a comedy character of some kind. I heard Fearne talking about the Pineapple Studio show (or whatever it's called) being real and not a mockumentary...
  3. neither are any relation to Richard I assume? Also has he ever had a picture of him taken while taped to a cat?
  4. Yeah I'm sure she thinks it's 21st Century Blind Date and that she's a 21st Century Cilla Black...
  5. err somewhere between 10:30 and 11 I think. If you go on Listen again, just listen out for the Miss C feature...
  6. Don't blame me, blame Fearne... :hahaha: Actually, more blame Scott for doing the actual readout, which is quite ironic that he read THAT out really...
  7. Just listening to this feature, was quite funny, particularly the ad that went "I want to spend my mornings in a beautiful sexy lady" OK, so it was a (possibly deliberate) typo, but still...
  8. I doubt you'd do the run if there wasn't one within easy reach... :hahaha:
  9. what about the MaccyDs drive-thru just down the road?
  10. Yeah but not so good to start there and stay there :hahaha:
  11. then you have NOT seen everything... (ahh good ol Team America) :hahaha:
  12. Louie Spence was just on Moyles, and I was very confused as I have absolutely no idea who he is. Sounded like some sort of comedy character, reminded me a lot of Angelou the burger van owner from the comeback series of Shooting Stars.
  13. I doubt there's any danger of Greg being moved... I mean when was the last time he got over 7 MILLION listeners? BBC ain't gonna be wanting to get rid of Moyles anytime soon with those kind of figures (which seem to be rising every time I hear new RAJAR figures etc), and I doubt he'll be quite ready to leave the station just yet (no other slot that he can really move to).
  14. I think Moyles will carry on with the Breakfast show as long as he wants to do it, then when he's done there, he's done with Radio1 altogether. I'm not really seeing any signs that he wants to stop soon. I do think Scott would be the person to replace him as he already has Radio 1's '2nd slot' and there's not really anything else he could progress to other than breakfast.
  15. all coz I had to go get that MI5 job... 8):*
  16. I am expecting to switch off now... and I am... Simpsons soon
  17. Well... I got one... not the utter disaster I expected If even I can get one, others definitely stand a chance...
  18. oh is it all from same year like first half of Moyles Golden Hour? hadn't noticed got the Golden Hour year straight away this morning too...
  19. when he said LL Cool J, I automatically typed out 'Phenomenon' for some reason... :s
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