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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by SCOTTS NO1 FAN EVA

  1. If he does know me it will be through here or them youtube videos so he probably thinks I'm Cyber geek

  2. I would be uneasy being with a girl with same of my mum.
  3. I don't think I will ever in my life but something like this has happened before I got a virus from a porn site but it was an accident I didn't mean to go on it so I've got an excuse.
  4. Welcome to unofficial Mills

  5. Well have a huge internet bill thats probably all porn how do I explain this?
  6. These left wing do gooders should except that they are not doing any good in society people are now scared to have a joke and a laugh with people because of it. I understand if people get offended by racism and stuff like that but has Chris ever been racist? no them 8 lossers should get a life.
  7. I might search for him one day and hug him
  8. Er help its gone up to £50 and thats the maximum amount we a pay a month if it gos up any more I'm staying of the internet and telling my parents whats happened

  9. I've got a spell checker now and I'm using correct spelling and grammar so no typos
  10. So you don't think that Beccy should be put into team or the history of Oh whats occurring in features
  11. If I was in Charge of Um I would defiantly update team and features but apart from that this site doesn't need any work
  12. To add to that Chappers from radio 1 is actually called Andrew.
  13. I think chippy sent me the link on the shoutbox and he had found this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_David_Chapman chappers assasinated John Lennon we must warn Scott People.
  14. Haha very funny finished it now and its my avatar now
  15. No 1993 was the year I brought happiness to world
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