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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by Spev

  1. Haha!! No the first one... wait that's not Chappers?!?! Wait...!!! Hehe!
  2. Never mind all that, have you seen the screencap on Scott's Radio 1 page?? *swoon* I have *got* to stop getting all fangirly over Chappers. I'm getting far too old for this sort of shenanigans!!!!
  3. Not only is it a heart attack waiting to happen but... who in merry hell has the TIME to eat all that lot and do other things too?!?!?
  4. I listen to the Podcast in bed every night too!!! Used to suffer terribly with nightmares but I don't anymore, I attribute all credit to Scott and Chappers!!! Scott Mills Sends You To Sleep...!!
  5. Is it Five Years Time by Noah and the Whale????
  6. What?! I thought that was sweet!!! I would love to live in a world that didn't know about Kerry Katona!!!!
  7. Incredible. Not a mention of John Torode in the Chappers Looks Like list!!!!!!!!!
  8. Good lord. That poor kid will need a right (or left) hand of steel to have the energy to write that little lot out in full!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought my brother and ex-sister-in-law were pushing it giving my youngest nephew two middle names, but ..... well... just at a rough guesstimate there must be at least four hundred and seventy eight billion middle names there!! Ridiculous. That's not having a sense of humour, that's verbally vomiting out an entire phone directory in the registry office!!!!!
  9. Spev

    The Exams Thread

    Hey everyone - well done for actually TAKING the damn exams in the first place!!! I hated exams!! Like everyone else is saying - please don't fret too much if you don't get exactly what you want - sometimes you can do other things that you didn't originally have in your Grand Plan and they can work out for the best after all. I remember getting my AS results back in the day... and I got an E for IT - the head of the department actually laughed at me and said "do you seriously think I'm going to take you on next year with those results?!" The only subject I did well on was English (got an E in French!) and so I took a one-year vocational Secretarial course so I could finish my English A Level. NEVER wanted to do the secretary thing but it was the only vocational course that lasted a year and I wasn't gonig to stay in college till I was 19 for anyone!! Managed to get a D in English (the Literature exam was a farce, none of the questions were about anything we'd studied so that brought the overall mark down! Dammit!!) and passed all my exams with Distinctions in my Secretarial course. Left college at 18 and haven't been unemployed for longer than 2 weeks in 7 years. I've even started to do what I wanted to do in the first place since I was 11 - write for a music magazine (unpaid like but I don't care, I'm still living my dream in a small but very definite way!) in my spare time - and you NEVER know where these things can lead. So even though things don't always go to plan, somehow things will turn out okay and you'll still be employable, you'll still be able to earn a good living. It's totally not the end of the world - but maybe it might help to start thinking outside the box?? End of ramble. Well done to EVERYONE, whether or not you got what you wanted. Major kudos to you, I think you've all done brilliantly.
  10. Would a Barry wear cherry chapstick though?? Hmm. Maybe Pollyanna Wotsit the lawyer who changed her name to Barry..... maybe she would!!
  11. Good grief. I would say that I wish eating all that would make ME look like that but I'm a girl, so if eating all that DID make me look like that, I would be very worried. I felt bloated just reading the breakfast menu!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I like it. Then again I admit to liking a few of the Vengaboys' tracks... Just a flying visit, I'm off home in a few mins but thought I'd just pop in to say hello to everyone!! *waves*
  13. Good grief. 19. I remember it so well. God I feel old... All the best Chris, have a good 'un!!!
  14. Oooh lovely I shall do, thanks for the link!!
  15. Great, thanks for that!! Yeah know what you mean about lousy mates, still it's a good job we've got everyone on here to keep assuring each other that we're not going mad!! :D

  16. Hello!!

    Just out of interest - actually it's driving me mental - what song is your signature from?? I know it but I just can't place it!!!!

    Er - ta!!


  17. Well I can't hold his footballing preferences against him I suppose... And he's not podgy, he's just all man!!!!! *swoon* Ahem. I mean... erm... I don't know what you're talking about!!!! *whistles innocently* Ahem. Quite. *pure thoughts pure thoughts pure thoughts*
  18. I may well do, I love Scotland, just never feel like I spend long enough up there!!!! In fact I did have a look at the website and was so delighted there was a place called Drum Hotel. Well it's not it's called something else but apparently it's colloquially known as Drum Hotel and that's good enough for me!!!!
  19. First things first, Chappers is back!! Woooooo!!! *does little happy excited dance round the office*
  20. What, not even when the old Joanna plays?? Would your heart take a chance but your two feet not find a way?? I must be in a good mood. What's wrong with me?!?! (I note that Jono nicked my joke as I was in the middle of writing it. Dammit.)
  21. It'll be nice to get back to normal. At last!! I don't think the show's been dire exactly, it's had quite a few good moments, but it's just not been the same without Chopper.
  22. *bites lip* Pure thoughts, pure thoughts, pure thoughts, pure thoughts, pure thoughts... *gulp* Thank you, PA Network, you did a... great... great job!!!
  23. There is now no actual reason for anyone in this country to either watch or participate in the competition ever again. He was really upset at this years Eurovision though. I think if the competition wasn't so obviously political and was literally just about the songs then he'd be able to deal with the ridiculousness of the rest of the competition.
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