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Everything posted by Spev

  1. I GOT THE JOOOOOOOOOBBBBBBBB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Cheers Rob. I still haven't heard back and they promised before 7... I'm taking it as a really bad sign. I just wish they'd call and put me out of my misery. I feel really really sick I can barely concentrate on the radio!!! During Scott's show and everything!!! I'm so sorry, Scott!!!
  3. Awww I loooooooove this song!! Afternoon everybody by the way - am currently sat by the phone waiting for news of the interview. Feel reaaally sick. I really want the job... soooooooo badly!!!!!!!!
  4. So do I!!! I changed it from Phil Glenister going "Listen, Fatty, 'ave another pie, and SHUT IT!" and then didn't get a text message for a few days cos I'm v. unpopular, so I forgot I'd changed it. Then all of a sudden I got like five text messages in a row dead late at night, my flat was in absolute silence for a change, and I just heard Chappers going "WOO!!! WOO!!! WOO!! WOO!!!! WOO!!" and I was like "AAARRGHH!!! AAARRRRGGHHH!!!! AAARRRGGHHH!!!!!" I was genuinely terrified until I realised what it was!! I am *SUCH* a bimbo. Why the good lord didn't make me blonde is anyone's guess...
  5. I'm going to the Beck's Fusion festival on September 6th does that actually count as a summer festival even though it's in September??? I mean it IS outside and there probably will be a lot of mud...!!
  6. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! DIV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Right I'm going home now Talk to you all later!!!!!
  7. Was that a mention?! Awww. Poor Scott.
  8. SCOTT!!! READ THE BLEY RESULTS I WANT TO GO HOME, DAMMIT!!!!!!!!! *rolls eyes* Men!!! I really don't want to know how Chappers knows Dave has to work hard at most things.... *crikey*....
  9. I really do have a complete absence of a life don't I............!!! I'm sure Scott would feel terribly safe knowing you were making him feel better, Tara!!!
  10. But what if he forgot to detach the keyring from his keys - he might accidentally impale himself with his front door key. Nasty.
  11. I'm staying in work late just so I don't miss the results so I hope he does read them in a couple of minutes, I'm going mad here!!!
  12. Spev

    The Exams Thread

    I love Charlie too - in fact I named my cat after him!! Cos I'm a saddo. And also cos Charlie's a proper boy's name and my cat is a proper boy cat. He looks like his name's Charlie if you know what I mean. Anyway. Numb3rs is great. The End. I do remember really looking forward to all my English exams, especially Language where I could just totally let rip with writing a story. I loved pulling books to pieces in Literature as well and just get everything out of them that I possibly could. So yeah I'm a weirdo too!!!!!
  13. Spev

    The Exams Thread

    Tara you're just like Charlie off of Numb3rs... Although he did graduate when he was 13 and wrote his first maths paper when he was 14 and .... well what I'm trying to say is I'm sure he'd find A Level Further Maths exams enjoyable too!!!!
  14. *GASP* A DUCK KEYRING THAT QUACKS!!!!!!!!!! I want one!!! Now!!! Where did she get it from?!?!
  15. I love that keyring!! I have a George Harrison keyring (I got my mind seeeeeeeeeet oooooooon yooooooou!! No actually it's from his Beatles days), a Ringo Starr keyring (both my favourite Beatles), a Small Faces Keyring, a Hollies keyring, a keyring for the housing association i'm with and a tesco clubcard keyring. Shockingly that's nothing compared to how many keyrings I USED to have...!!!
  16. :yeahthat: Honestly, I'm not just saying it, you've all done fantastically well. I don't envy you having to take your exams, there's no way in hell I'd ever go through another one if my life depended on it. Really well done - and I hope your results will help you get to where you want to go, be it further education, higher education, or finally getting The Job you've always wanted!!!!
  17. Booking my Scouting for Girls tickets today really cheered me up after the devastating news Kizmok relayed to me... she knows what I'm talking about...!!!
  18. Spev

    Nick Toonsters

    I hear you, Mike...
  19. Spev

    The Exams Thread

    They're brilliant results, Robbo!!!! You should be really proud of yourself - getting an A*in anything is a brilliant result - and 7 As, that's just fantastic. Don't compare yourself to your mates, you still passed all your exams with flying colours and that's the most important thing.
  20. 'Heigh-ho! Win sweatier ultra.' Nice...!!
  21. Maybe Greg volunteered to do it cos he's quite obviously a total swot. "oooh goody, a MATHS exam!!! Let me do it!! Pleasepleasepleasepleaspleasepleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaase!!!" Sort of like a male Monica off of Friends....
  22. HAHAHAHA!!! I am an actual mountain I am the actual sea!!
  23. Afternoon everyone!!! I'm bidding a hasty retreat tonight, hopefully should be setting off in 20 minutes or so... am still avoiding my boss!!!
  24. Oh. My. Lord. Why on earth would the public of Britain whore themselves out for an opportunity to hang out with... her??? Why?? I mean really??? Have we lost ALL sense of decency?!?!
  25. (Don't ask me I don't know!) Welcome back, TTL!!!
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