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Unofficial Mills


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Status Updates posted by Sam

  1. Sam

    you have to remove the URL part of the code, just wrap the direct image url in %7Boption%7D tags.

  2. Not too bad thanks :)

    Just poking twitter a little waiting for the Brits ^^

  3. Ahoy!

    How are you doing?

  4. The film is all the music videos from the album put together, for that reason I believe the music came first but they did have the idea for the film already - If that makes sense?

    "Each track from the album has been animated as an episode in the story of the abduction and rescue of an interstellar pop band."


  5. Sam

    Howdy Mr.Read

  6. Sam

    I don't sorry! :(

  7. 1. What o.o

    2. You stole my imagery!

  8. Sam

    Version one took roughly 30-40 minutes, then it was changing stuff (like the font, brightness details on the faces) so it looked correct :)

  9. Sam

    I'm not sure what her name is, I found her on Deviantart


    Some of the photos require for you to have an account with the mature filter off :)

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