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Everything posted by Gamesmaster18993

  1. So are UM now making questions for the show now? Scott won't have to do anything if this is true . I really didn't expect it to be that much either to be honest
  2. I agree, he writes personal and pointless storys. I really hope this fued ends soon, however I can see it going on for a long while still
  3. I really cannot believe that...I hope they don't take that to heart, but I do think they deserved more. Some of those winners were a bit questionable aswell
  4. haha situation has been used as a OWO question today
  5. Good luck for her ICT exam too http://mychictrove.files.wordpress.com/2007/09/birthday-cake.jpg
  6. Remember that you can see Big Weekend from your Tv via red button from 4 onwards
  7. I hope some of the webcams will stop buffering... The live lounge one in particular
  8. i loved watching the gates opening for Big Weekend (on the wide cam )...you could really feel the excitement from the crowd
  9. hmm, I actually do like Yasmina and Mona too, they did very well in the last episode. I would hate it if someone like Debra won, she argues way too much
  10. I hate to say it too but I would alos say Aled. But to be fair the surgery isn't really supposed to play the best music
  11. Its good that it will start at 11am, have been waiting ages to see the webcams. Beccy Cam should be interesting....I don't think you'll be able to see it though, with all the sound coming from the outdoor stage
  12. I did feel sorry for her a few weeks ago with Phillip never listening to what she had to say. But this week she seemed to have a complete lack of control over the situation, and seemed quite desperate to stay in, when in the boardroom
  13. Yeah, I comletely agree with you. Although I thought Phillip and Kate did nothing this week, I still don't think that Lorraine was right to use it against them. I've kind of gone off her she does seem quite two faced
  14. I'll be watching it too, but theres no date for when it going to be on. It will be good to see how far he gets on it, whcih I don't think will be very far
  15. Yeah it does seem to have happened...wierd
  16. Yeah its really bad... every few seconds it buffers...the room looks soo empty as well
  17. Its quite cute, poor guy, I do think he will get loads of replies , everybody wants tickets.
  18. I completely agree with you. Its been a bit of a disapointment this time, I would have thought they would have made a bit more of an effort
  19. Hello Everyone Happy Birthday TOWDS as well Also quite quiet on here today
  20. lol maybe, you never know. Do you know what street Stupid street actually is?
  21. haha, I have to agree that did sound like Borat lol
  22. With the Eurovision song contest coming up in two weeks, does anyone really care where we come or if we'll win. This year sets to be more fair with each country having a panel making up 50% of the votes. Andrew Lloyd Webber and Jade Ewen flying the flag for england...do we really stand a chance? What are your thoughts?
  23. umm, its slightly more bearable than when I first heard it... its alright
  24. Can't they just do OWO now, do they have to put on Starpilots instead?# Beccy will set off the mousetraps alot
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