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Southern Gaelic

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About Southern Gaelic

  • Birthday 07/19/1986

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  1. *waves* EDIT: Oops, was trying to reply to Kelly :/
  2. ....Is it bad for me to want to laugh loudly at that?
  3. Er....anything for me really. I didn't start listening until last Wednesday so the next two weeks are going to be very educational for me.
  4. I like them because their playlist is a lot more varied. It's not just contemporary stuff, eg today they played AC/DC ^^
  5. I'm in agreement here. The boy should have asked to take the picture, like a proper "fan meets celebrity" type picture instead of taking a picture of him sleeping. That was just plain rude.
  6. Mine's Shrunken Heads by Ian Hunter. I downloaded it on iTunes last year and I think out of all the 'classic' bands/singers that are releasing new material, this song and the album it comes from is the best I've heard so far.
  7. See, Kelly? I've been a member here barely a week and you've already ruined me! On topic, I liked the episode as a whole. Not too sure towards the end when we had that bit of Tinkerbell Jesus Doctor God though.
  8. I didn't really want to watch initially. Tom Baker's disembodied head scared me so badly that I didn't want to get into New Who. What got me watching was the last episode of Season 3 in July, which I pretty much had to sit through because my niece was visiting and it's her favourite show. Since then I've watched all the New Who episodes and started catching reruns of the Tom Baker shows that used to scare me so. On that note, 1970s!Tom Baker is now one of my biggest crushes
  9. Me too. I think this is slightly better than the icky crawlies of yesterday, if only for the fact that the icky crawlies in question made me squirm D:
  10. Sounds like something. I only just started listening on Wednesday (thanks Kelly!) so it'll be nice listening to the classic stuff.
  11. Evening everyone! I got here by way of Kelly so....hi and please don't be hard on the newbie
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