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Status Updates posted by FreakaZoid101

  1. I got 3As and a B! Thanks for asking. I'm actually off to Norwich in 26 days to study medicine. Still hasn't hit me yet.

    I only lost 3 ums points in maths.

    You had a good holiday so far?

  2. Hi there Nati. It was an amazing holiday to begin with thanks, but the new blog explains why it no longer is.

    What about you?

  3. Medicine. Somehow they liked my interview. Even though I said I wouldn't apply again to it if I got rejected. Hmm.


  4. UEA along with Catherine and Jono. Now I need to revise else I won't get in.

  5. Hehe. So where you going for uni then?

  6. One's young and one's old.

    If Demi Moore can do it, so can we! Ahem.

  7. I was just thinking that.

    He's just done his music GCSE though, right? That was in the news. Or did he do it early?

    I mean my brother's 29 ad his wife is 25. It's not that bad.

    I have this situation at my guitar ensemble. There are two really fit guys who are in year 11. And one of them asked me out and I was like, I really wish I could say yes.

    I'm so going to end up with a toyboy.

  8. No.


    But it's like, he's not seriously that much younger than us, is he? Uhm... yes.

    So not fair. Utter gutter.


  9. I am not after attention! I was just clicking round the site, utterly bored, and I thought I'd leave you a message. Honestly... :rolleyes:

    Fine then. I will stay out of direct contact with you until we start uni, and even then I'll avoid you, seeing as you don't appear to want my attention. Cuh...

  10. I'm oh so very bored, so I thought I'd leave you a visitor message. Well, isn't this interesting... 3 and a half months to uni! Hehe. Ok, well this is a colossal failure. I'm still very bored.

  11. Ah. Makes sense.

    I'm only taking 4, but everyone else is taking 3 and their exams start on 12th June. Almost a month after mine. And I'm the last to finish. :( It was even worse last year when I was taking 6. I seem to be addicted to exams :rolleyes:

  12. Ugh. Lucky. I've got 9 exams left. :( Silly me taking more subjects than everyone else.

    When you say it's all over for 2 years (:woo:) what happens after 2 years then? You going back to get a masters or what? I don't really know much about these things.

  13. I just got well freaked out by the "Good Evening, Tara." At the top of the screen. I'm getting so confused.

    I'm liking the site upgrade though. I only you hadn't gone and deleted all the blogs...

  14. It's going just fine Jono. How about you?

  15. Right back at'cha :P

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