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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by midnight

  1. I was wondering that myself - its unlikely Ill be able to go if it is London as it is too far away and too expensive.
  2. Sometimes that just happened. I remember once talking to a few folk on the shout box then saying night as I was away to bed and posted that at 00:00. I hadn't even been paying attention to the time so it wasn't deliberate it just happened.
  3. Woohoo Kermit the frog! hehe. random song Scott.
  4. Thanks guys it was a great day and good fun.
  5. Im going over to a mates in about an hour and we are ordering in pizza and watching children in need.
  6. Happy birthday Viv. Hope your having a great day.
  7. Hi again. Im back. And Emma wiki is working fine for me.
  8. Well Im starving so going to go get food. Talk to you all again later.
  9. Im good thanks. Thinking of ordering in Chinese as I really want that and am hungry as I missed dinner yesterday as was over at ill mates house.
  10. Afternoon. Im here for a little while then need to go find/order in food as Im starving. How are we all?
  11. Or are we going to keep suggesting places until one is suggested that suits a lot of people? Remember that there are people from all over the country here Rob so its not as simple as just picking a time and place.
  12. Its too early for Christmas songs . Wait until the 1st of December...or at least until after my birthday
  13. Now I have Christmas songs in my head and feel bad as Ive spent the last week shouting at a guy at uni who will not stop talking about Christmas
  14. its too early for Christmas songs Scott!!! Now Im going to get told off by my mate when I go up to his in five minutes because Ill have Christmas songs in my head all night,
  15. I am very interested in this as long as it isn't too far away from me.
  16. Im alright. Was really ill last night and still have a bit of a sore head. Hopefully that will go away soon though as going into the union for a couple of drinks later with a mate.
  17. Afternoon Im here for once. How are we all?
  18. Its not a case of Brand not going back because BBC won't give him a job he resigned and has ruled out working for the BBC again - his choice not theirs.
  19. Thank you Jono. Was really missing having the site even if it was only a couple of days (yes Im sad I know there is no need to point it out )
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