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Unofficial Mills

Fish Heads

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Everything posted by Fish Heads

  1. I doubt it, just listen to Newsbeat
  2. How annoying tubes are winning. i wouldn't have started knowing i was going to lose :evil:
  3. In two pages we've gone downhil, to talk about bums - overkill Maybe we should talk about something more pleasent Like my dinner - a nice juicy roast Pheasant
  4. A hairy bum's a git, Must make it hard to s***
  5. If you win in that case, I think You'll get a different kind of drink
  6. A competition is a splendid idea, The winner should get 5 crates of beer
  7. I was waiting for someone to post that phrase, Thankfully we had to wait moments, not days
  8. I agree this thread is best, Better than one about a vest Hopefully it will run forever, Because we are all quite clever
  9. It is you who has the stench, Whilst sitting on a bench
  10. Jono spoils this thread within in his first post If I had his rhyming skills, I wouldn't boast
  11. Perhaps we should start the unofficial Mills poetry comp
  12. Fish Heads


    I used to watch Neighbours when I was about 2 as well. Wierd think was, I remember when Sky was born, and I was only a mere toddler myself.
  13. It is noticable. Good change, perfect size now. Not too big
  14. Fish Heads


    I only watch one - the mighty Neighbours, featuring the delicious Sky Mangle, featured in my Avatar
  15. Then go for a job interview http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/4091636.stm
  16. Score one for poll lovers everywhere
  17. This should have been a poll - we all love polls. Personally I think its a smidgen too tall, but perfect in width
  18. This thread is literally going a post a minute EDIT: Not any more, I buggered it up
  19. NR is great. Gutted I missed it today, i wanted to see how they worded the MJ case instead of saying molested. I love it when they discuss adult issues on newsround.
  20. Following on from yesterday, which Refresher is best? Personally I prefer the bars - so many flavours. Can't beat it when a new one comes out. For the uninformed, the bars look like this- And the tablet type ones like this...
  21. Fish Heads

    Sky Digital

    On Moyles's monday previews on radiotimes.com it always says "Chappers & Dave do the chart top 10 rundown"...
  22. Slow and steady wins the race. At least thats what they tell the fat kids at sports day
  23. I'd have flogged mine on eBay too, if i'd have entered and then won. I might enter the Edinborough one to do just that.
  24. Yeah - I should win some kind of honour. They don't give OBE's out to animals though
  25. Fish Heads


    We had Edexcel, AQA and WJEC depending on what exam you were doing
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