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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by AZZA

  1. AZZA

    How was your day?

    ive got a dvd recorder *i'll get me coat*
  2. AZZA

    Big Brother 2006

    yeah hes being more annoying than i ever was and i bet he doesnt get chucked off the mills boards:-X
  3. AZZA

    How was your day?

    feeling a bit crap that jonos felt the need to cut me off from the Mills section, but other than that im fine
  4. ah jono you're back - did u get my PM?
  5. ahahahahahaha can i get a sensible answer here at all?
  6. where the hell has the "scott mills show" section of the forum gone?
  7. AZZA

    Annoying Adverts

    aww i love the sheila wheels
  8. AZZA

    Big Brother 2006

    Im not laughing, im actually very annoyed! The poor wee thing isnt the size of two scrubbers... bless her:cry:
  9. AZZA

    Big Brother 2006

    oh god susan jeffers im feeling the deliciousness of my power and im expanding, opening up - becoming bigger with bley ANGER!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. AZZA

    Big Brother 2006

    only a matter of minutes
  11. Im just not getting it, if im totally honest
  12. lol it'll be interesting to see if they've still got what it takes
  13. alright then... just stop jumping down my throat everytime i post man
  14. yeah and i was talking about those 5 secs, why are you so paranoid? I dont have a go at anyone without cause
  15. actually mate i was talking about the clip jo played and the start/end of it. Dont immediately think im ripping the **** outta you all the time - im not like that
  16. looks like your pathetic thread was deleted JJ. Thanks guys btw. So lucinda are u still gonna go down to R1 HQ tomorrow?? Theres a 50/50 chance you'll see scott. I can just imagine you shouting "Just do it scott! Girl power!" lmao:biggrin:
  17. i cant believe they had to close the road off, but yeah great show!
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