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Everything posted by MrDoovdeHaxorz

  1. Considering who it's by, it's probably a lame attempt at one in an attempt to be down wit da kidz.
  2. Hmm yes we KNOW you were previously seperate, how did that go, eh? You should know, you were but a teen when it stopped being that way...
  3. I assume you refer to this story http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-18401210 however I have just seen an interestingly positive perspective on Twitter: "Big Bro got made redundant! He's over the moon!! No more trips to sandy hell holes (where we have no real business being in a military capacity in the first place in most cases) like Afghan"
  4. Please enlighten us as to Salmond's great masterplans to how things will be SO improved if Scotland is made independent? You have still yet to do this and have spent most of this thread blaming Cameron for things that aren't all entirely down to him (some things caused by previous governments and other entities and even COUNTRIES entirely). Even if it is true he has contributed to making situations worse (I can't stand the guy either for the record). We need to know what would be better in a 'self-preserving' Scotland and actual counters to the points that have been made (which you have failed to address like 99% of, even with your 'Killer'). No point continuing the thread if you can't do this one little thing.
  5. Trade was NEVER a part of my case when it comes to Africa... (even though it does exist with countries within the African continent such as Egypt and South Africa, irrelevant here as it is not with countries we send Humanitarian aid to) My case was that African homeless and impoverished are likely worse off than UK homeless and impoverished.
  6. Sounds like a right beach....
  7. and yet you have STILL to explain how any other party would be any different. I would also compare poverty and homelessness in this country with that in Africa, I would wager that while it IS difficult here, it is also possible for the individual to do more about it, even if it's just selling Big Issue to get money for a hostel or something (I don't know details in particular of this system). Do you think similar happens much in Africa where it'll be whole sections of a city struggling for food/water etc? Also there are MANY playing the benefits system, and don't you think NEGLECT might have something to do with, oh, I dunno, the PARENTS rather than Cameroon. Look at the McCanns for example... They who court as much media attention as possible by blaming everyone else but themselves (after all, all they did was leave her alone and unsupervised!) for their daughter's tragic disappearance. Much as I can't stand Camoron and hate what he's doing to the country, I see no real reason to blame HIM for the bad parenting of others... I'll blame him for his and his party's own highly morally dubious acts. Your 'Killer'? Tis but a scratch... (yes, the link is probably what you think it is)
  8. Maybe not HARD work in the same way as manual labour, but can be VERY long hours.
  9. Same, Ben Edwards has really filled the lead role well, he was great on BTCC too, this feels like the natural promotion. Brundle is about the only other positive about Sky I can find, and even then, I'll happily trade him out and listen to Edwards and DC instead of Brundle and Crofty. Lee gets to present a live race next time out too, think she did a great job on this weekend's highlights stuff.
  10. Putting words in my mouth, classy. Also do you seriously believe an independent scotland would be able to survive having nothing to do with the rest of the world? and think how much the UK benefits from export business. Big Picture.
  11. Yeah, I'm sure that's the ONLY reason you lose followers...
  12. See Tom's point above which you have failed to answer on how much you'd be 'going it alone'... It may not be quite as far removed from the current situation as you seem to believe.
  13. The Rock would like a piece of pie, Bob would have pie.
  14. YES! Think the new album is back to that standard too (seems I'm not the only one who thought the POD album was a bit of a dip for the D). Just saw the video for Rize Of The Fenix, looks like that will be a single, another great and creative video. Infact, I'll post it: Long Live The D. Quite a short album though, only 40-45 minutes, and some of the tracks are minute-long sketches again as they did so well on the debut album.
  15. Just watching BBC's Canadian Grand Prix Qualifying coverage (Highlights) and not only was the lovely Lee McKenzie doing the main presenting but in the opening video package/montage, they were playing Shake It Out. Win/Win/Win. It's like the BBC read my mind on how to make the perfect F1 coverage that I would enjoy most (not that Sky's coverage is impressing me anyways, only advantage I see is that it's live, but in live-vs-live I'll always choose BBC).
  16. Never heard her be particularly nasty about anything she gives an opinion on though, whereas people can be needlessly nasty to/about her rather than constructive in their criticism.
  17. So selfish motives are behind the drive for independence? I agree about being annoyed about having to bail other countries out, but more so about the BANKS we bailed out who then never gave a penny back. At least with other countries there's trade so we can get something back in time. If the banks that keep reporting profits post-bailouts actually paid anything back, the economic strain would likely be VASTLY reduced.
  18. My copy of Tenacious D - Rize Of The Fenix is here, giving it a listen. So far more like the D's eponymous 1st album and less like Pick of Destiny (which it quite squarely rips the p*** out of in the very first song). Long Live The D... long live ME, I'm sorry, I've poisoned your wine, for the good of the land!
  19. Seen enough over-harsh critics of Fearne just on here, so can just imagine what it's like elsewhere.
  20. Not good at looking at the bigger picture, really, are you? Look up Domino Effect then imagine what would happen to the rest of the world if economies start to collapse, each setting each other falling. *EDIT: Sorry, Domino Theory, mainly applies to politics but can also apply to economics.
  21. You should know better than this, given your age. Trust me, there is absolutely NOTHING new about work clubs or placements, except arguably the name. Placements and similar are just the evolution of things like YTS from the 80s and both parties that have been in power have done the same crap with a shiny new badge and maybe a slight polish of the turd. Agreed the Government is shite, but you haven't covered why an independent one would be any better? "I am sure he will have plans" is all well and good, but what are they? Real plans might be better than "oh it'll be fine whatever this guy does". Does this mean you're campaigning for a guy whose plans you don't actually know yet? Just something to consider.
  22. This is true, but they have someone with good experience of controlling debates in the chair, that's hopefully a positive start, whatever R1 reduce the format to.
  23. See this could be a whole seperate topic, but I think that 'experience' gained from things such as Workfare and the former format of it, Labour's New Deal, CAN be valuable, but companies like Tesco were blatently profiteering whereas at least under the Labour version of it, the work experience tended to be with smaller companies or, as was the case of the company I did a ND placement with, a charity. It should not be an alternative to paying employees properly at least National Minimum Wage, also the TYPE of job should be considered. Not many employers will be seeking/need experience in shelf-stacking or other 'simpler' jobs, for instance. Good idea for graduates from the different levels of education, but there are also plenty of people who already have plenty of experience in their chosen field being forced into these programs when experience probably is not where they need help to enhance. Viv, people probably think you could do worse on your own, why not give us an actual case as to why they're wrong?
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