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Unofficial Mills


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About Bunnybopper

  • Birthday 10/05/1984

Bunnybopper's Achievements

  1. Have to add that Beggin' song to mine- if only for the fact i can't stop singing the hook line.
  2. Ohh i missed Cox. Irritating at time, yes, but i have learned to really like her. Reminds me of when i lived ooop north. So glad i don't work at radio 1- all the women seem to be pregnant. Sommert in the water. It will be nice to hear Coxy again, just as long as she keeps the info on poopy nappies on a need to know. As in, there is no need to know on the radio. :-D
  3. 1. Colin Murray 2. Dave Pearce ( already morning the loss......) 3. Scott Mills (for my Wonder Years fix...)
  4. I'd love a remix...I kissed a Barry and i liked it.....
  5. Glasvegas... Prob. too much to ask they play the new Metallica one when it's out.....
  6. Not that i'm a looker by any standards but that seems a rung down the ladder for Shagger Jones.... Her and Lostprophets dude looked a nice couple.... Steve Jones seems way too clean cut and preened for Miss. Cotton but eh, no doubt someone reading this is going 'jealous bint' so i'll stop now :-D
  7. *looks deflated* Apart from Scott (love Annie Mac but been hearing her way too much lately...) i'm not jazzed by that. But, at least when stuck in teh festival convoy coming back from Reading i can hear Scott and look like a k**b laughing at Scott and Becky (oh, and Chappers of course!) Forgive me.... i am new here and a little more than excited to be here (again....another reason why i'm a social outcast...i get excited over radio websites.... )
  8. I'm gutted that Dave and Eddie are leaving- i credit Dave for getting me into Dance...sounds daft but he made it a little less scary! I'm not looking forward to more black DJ's if that is the case, as Jono says, there is 1xtra for that kinda stuff. I understand Radio 1 have to give a varied mix to all but still Dave is an insitution on the station.... *pah* If we are talking about mixing things up (and i'm sure someone will bash me for saying this) can somebody mix up Ferne (never there) Cotton and Reggie (awite' bruv?) Yates and make them 'leave' Sat/Sun's line up? I'd prefer more Vernon....but again- i will probably get bashed for that, too!! :evil:
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