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Everything posted by rainbow_brite

  1. I really don't go for muscle marys, especially ones that have copped off with Jordan :bah:
  2. Oooh, I'll put myself down on that :hahaha:
  3. I was 11 in 1999 so I stayed at home with my mum and younger sis on Millennium Eve. I remember listening to Radio 1 back then but not an awful lot due to being in school most of the day. Me and my class went to the Millennium Dome on a school trip in about 2000, from what I can remember it wasn't that impressive inside. As a kid I listened to the chart music that was around basically, but I discovered proper music when I was 16, it was round about the time Radio 1 started playing more guitar bands in the daytime as well so it was a good introduction for me, now I listen to mainly rock and electronic music. I'd say I've changed a fair bit in 10 years, probably a lot of my old school friends would be surprised to see how I turned out in the last 5 years.
  4. There will be a security scare in the Commonwealth Games There will be a shock match result in the World Cup We'll be out of recession by the end of the year Unfortunately the Tories will win the General Election (and I'll probably be so annoyed I'll emigrate) Most of the airwaves throughout the year will be filled with awful pop songs And Chelsea will bottle the league and we'll win
  5. Only issue with the outside broadcast in SA would be security with the crime rates there and all that, but other than that they should go for it, it'll be interesting to hear what they get up to over there
  6. Yeesh, some people really don't have a sense of humour!
  7. They should have Rage Against The Machine on Moyles' show to make it more fair :hahaha:
  8. I wouldn't worry too much, hardly anyone buys CD single these days...
  9. I want to see a pic of The Stig with a giant rabbit :hahaha:
  10. Afternoon! Bit strange to hear them talk between links
  11. I don't really like the choice for the Critic's Choice Award, I've only heard the one song by her but it's pretty inferior compared to other female singers from what I've heard
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