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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by Kitai

  1. Weeeee!! Free For All Friday!! =D
  2. :shock: How can you say that!? Those toys are great fun!! Especially water pistols and RC cars!!
  3. OMG! That chicken sounds like it's dying!!
  4. I can't stand the sound recorders make. >_<
  5. Yes!! Buy the drum kit!! You'll get your own back, and you could start the little 'en off on his way to stardom!!
  6. Yeah. I've seen some idiots who're quite happy to risk killing everyone around them just for the sake of having a cigarette. :x
  7. When I was in hospital earlier this year, patients and staff were using mobile phones whenever they felt like it. Only one ward I was on told a patient they're not aloud to use their mobile phone. But even then, they didn't actually stop them using it. When I was moved to another ward, all the patients were using their phones and so were the staff. And there was me being all good and leaving my phone off. Well, until I'd been in that ward for a while and I just decided "hahahaha it - everyone is allowed to". I did have my phone on silent though (eventhough nobody else did), because I think if you're going to have your phone on in hospital, it shouldn't be allowed to bother other patients by constantly ringing, or beeping to tell you that you have a text message.
  8. LMFAO!! Nice idea for a text-in! Haha!
  9. Haha, that's not the first time I've thought the forum was being read as they were on air. =D
  10. I'd be onboard, but the site won't let me listen for some reason. =(
  11. Kitai

    Bizarre ER

    I've been keeping-up with this now. It's mental!!
  12. I've never like Ferned much. I dont' hate her or anything, but there's something about her that I just can't stand. I'm not a Reggie fan either. I've not enjoyed watching either of them on TV and I don't enjoy listening to either of them on radio either. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I just avoid the radio when I know one or both of them is on. Maybe it's because they seem so fake to me. I dunno. Maybe it's just me. I mean, we can't all like everyone or everything, can we, I guess!? I find Ferne's "enthusiam" to be nothing more than a put-on. Just for the show. I know it's their job to sound like they're enjoying theirselves on air, but she really comes-off as fake to me. I'm sure the other DJ's (well, the ones I've listened to) actually do have a laugh and mean it when they sound enthusiastic, but I'm just not convinced when it comes to Ferne. As others have already said; there are better DJ's out there and I think Radio 1 should get them in instead. Hell, they already employ better DJ's who could take Ferne and Reggie's shows.
  13. Nooo waaay! What a horrible hair-do. =/
  14. Well, that's my passport forms done. Except for my parents details coz I don't bley remember some of the information they want, so gotta contact the parents to double-check everything before I fill it in and bugger it up.
  15. As much as I like writing; I hate filling in forms. Argh!!
  16. Hehehe!! I'm enjoying a Subway sandwich as I listen to Scott, before attempting a second time to fill-in my passport forms.
  17. Sorry I'm late! Had to set-up a new router!!
  18. Hehe! I did something like that a few days ago. It was lovely and sunny, so I thought I'd go to the shops down the road. I had my coat and jumper on coz I figured it was probably still cold out, but I didn't realize just how cold! I opened the front door and it was colder than it had been when the sun wasn't shinning the few days before!! O_O; So, back inside I went.
  19. Agreed. I love warm weather and I hope we have a great summer!! I'll be at the beach! I love the sea!
  20. I'm not really sure what the point is in being invisible. Especially if you just end-up on the Shout Box or posting around the forum, so people know you're around anyways. o_O
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