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Everything posted by MaryMary

  1. No, decidedly not! I would just ike to be able to think of Laura as a grown up woman with a brain, than something lower than a BB contestant. At leat on BB they are only humiliating themselves, "Laura" allowes her self to be humiliated by others. I can't believe it, no intelligent woman would allow herself to be treated like that in public.
  2. I would hate to think that the One Night With Laura thing, and the "relationship" with James, and (dare I say it?) even the diary were actually true, because it would put Laura herself in such a sad and poor light if they are true. SO I will continue to believe that Laura is actually an intelligent and clever entertainer who works in a fictional medium, rather than a sad, pathetic, hopeless individual with no self esteem and willing to allow herself to be humiliated by third parties in front of the world. I may be wrong, but if I am, Laura is not the person we all would like to think she is. Can I quickly say I do think its all excellent entertainment and I do enjoy it? I just don't think its true, any more than Neighbours or Eastenders. And why should it be?
  3. If I thought I could look that good with no make up on and unwashed hair, next to a fully made up Kate Winslett, I would be a happy girl indeed. Edith is lovely. Don't much like her show at the moment, but I love her!
  4. How do you know? Do you all know each other then? I mean like properly knowing in the real world?
  5. MaryMary

    Joel's Suit

    I really really like it. But I am a little strange. Just ask anyone.
  6. Its been around for ages, I'm glad Scott has popularised it, its very funny.
  7. Hmm. You won't get me to believe it. But if it makes you happy, why not.
  8. Do you people actually think Laura - the real Laura - is actually going out, I mean really honestlyin a relationship with, this Jamie article? Honestly?
  9. They are better than they used to be, certainly. Still sound a bit strained to me sometimes though.
  10. Yes there is. I agree she doesn't look "photo-ready", but she went out that morning to present a radio show, not have a photo shoot with Kate Winslett for goodness sake! I think Edith looks completely beautiful in that picture.
  11. Isn't that just up the road from Victoria Beckham?
  12. MaryMary

    Joel's Suit

    Ah, but American's have no taste. Everyone knows that.
  13. Chappers and Dave = The Ugly Sisters. Too obvious.
  14. That is a scary thought. Did they come in the Vengabus?
  15. Last I heard Ipswich wasn't designated a war zone. Should we start another thread to discuss the political situation in the middle east? Because it would be a good discussion - I know loads about it, I lived in Baghdad for seven years. I also have friends in Arbil, which is a large city in Northern Iraq. They might be able to enlighten a few people about some stuff. And for someone who seems to scorn "the media", you do seem very quick to have your views moulded by it. Apparently.
  16. I send special cards, I have to order them specially.
  17. I live within twenty miles of where the bodies have been found. One of the victims lived less than three miles from me. I don't care what she did for a living (or a dying, as it was probably to feed a drug habit rather than feed a family), murdering her is no more acceptable than murdering anyone else. It all seems very close to home to me, and I'm not liking it. Of course Jono, I wouldn't expect you to give a toss, but the fact is, for five people and their families, so far, it IS the end of the world. Perhaps that is a reality you are too young to understand.
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