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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by Viv

  1. Thought people may like to know there is an 'iRock', a rocking chair which can charge up iPods and iPhones.
  2. Such a genuinely nice, modest guy. Just finished watching! it will be damn hard to follow this choon up.
  3. Missed the bloody thing. Anyhoo, Scott has posted a pic of him and Chris learning the dance... www.twitter.com/scott_mills. Seems a nice guy !!
  4. Yeh. But it is HIS show, and he doesn't help by claiming never to have heard a Williams' song. It's not that far back when Moyles was all over Williams and Take That and the rest... when he was invited into the Live Lounge, etc.... now, he's yesterday's news. What R1 fail to see is that at this rate, they too could be yesterday's news, if they keep this up. It just looks rather silly.
  5. * nods * yup. Actually.. I agree !! It is probably the most ridiculous statement of actual 2012.
  6. Just had a thought. Maybe radio one know their listenership is about to get worse, so do all this for attention?
  7. Ps: take it robbie is barred from future live lounges ever after, then.
  8. Just found out it is the biggest selling single no. One of this year, so it makes radio 1 look mental. i actually think it is a poor effort from robbie, but he and the song should still get their place.
  9. It's been called "plonky" by Dr. Fox, but Grimmy has banned Robbie from the playlist for being "too old". Is he right? Is Robbie relevant to you? Do you want your music on merit, rather than age related? BTW, Grimshaw claims never to have a heard a song by Robbie. Er.. Angels never there on nights out?
  10. Oh. right, have listened to grimmy. Surprisingly good. he is quite the opposite to moyles. Makes fun of himself, connects well with listeners.... A bit lacking in energy. overall.... Seven out of ten. *goes off to practice gangnam style dance for trip to TESCO tomorrow*
  11. Yes. Nik b... Okaaaay! just about to tune into grimmy, so should shortly been down with the kidz again! actually... Will this be the trend ? The older listeners DO leave, try out radio two (plenty are texting in just now), then run off in horror back to radio one, bent on destruction, and once more messing with listening figures. does 'loving the trolls' run on a tuesday!? still have not heard it yet.
  12. Another week !! Woo. One day for me until my first ever listen to the new Brekkie Show with Grimshaw. Hope it will be good !! After numerous weeks of Chris Evans, The Beatles, The Beach Boys, etc. I don't actually feel I can take anymore !! Haaaaa !! (How not to attract and keep the "older" listener in one easy, concise step). If you're out tonight amid a cloud of fireworks, please be careful !! R1 needs all the listeners it can get... !! Psy (responsible for Gangnam Style) will be in on Thursday, November 8th 2012. Feel this could be good somehow !! And...... here it is !! http://youtu.be/TTqpEJh03fI
  13. One day to go to "G" day as I am now calling it. Grimmy day. My first ever listen to the new R1 brekkie show is imminent.
  14. Watching a movie called 'unstoppable'. Fantastic! denzel washington at his finest. All about a runaway train in america.
  15. What did you RT? I have looked at your timeline, and cannot find anything?! i wouldn't worry. He once rt'd a comment i made about his pancake making to half a million people, resulting in abuse for about three days.
  16. Then he's just a dickhead, imo.
  17. Must be a glitch. the only peeps i have been blocked by are doovde and tom etheridge..... Both a blessing in disguise!!!
  18. Think i am gonna take the plunge tuesday, and listen to my first grimmy show. o god. Only six weeks or so late. am still with chris evans, but the beatles stuff at the moment is making me crazy.
  19. Viv


    I am still considering it.
  20. Was listening to Jeremy Vine yesterday, when he came up with an apparent "old theory" about when DJs were about to be moved on at Radio 1. Apparently, when the R1 calendar is available - if your picture is towards the end of the calendar year (the Winter section), your time at R1 is basically over !! Fascinating. Jeremy was saying a lot of DJs actually rush to check their position on the calendar when it is produced and available to see if their time is over !! Wonder where Moyles was placed in the calendar before R1 cast him aside?
  21. Still haven't listened. Must give him a chance shortly. At the moment, still boycotting R1.
  22. Thank u .... And fuck u. G'night.
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