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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. He started it! *Whispers* I know we welshmen are awesome in every way, but don't push your luck man! Nothing wrong with smileys! They.....smile!
  2. I said amusing, not funny! I feel your pain...metaphorically, anyway... I don't wear any to sleep either. It'd be far too annoying.
  3. But also slightly amusing...not for you, though, obviously How ironic that you have to wear ear plugs at a place where the purpose of the night is to listen to music.
  4. :hahaha: As the reciever, I can honestly say: too true :hahaha:
  5. :confused: ....I'm sure. Jono clearly isn't with it today, guys...:hahaha:
  6. Looks pretty solid to me.. :confused:
  7. I might have been a goth if I could've been bothered. I'm told I listen to, and I quote: "goth-sh*t". I just happen to like rock, heavy metal, maybe a bit of deathmetal, etc. They just happened to ignore the fact that I like most other types of music too, except for the gerbil squeaky music (chav-dance music..)
  8. Denmarks an Island?? I thought it was a country...:shock: (as you can see, I failed miserably at geography, I couldn't find me a*se with me hands..) Nope, never heard of him. I have of the stories though. I thought the Little Mermaid was Disney.. haha!
  9. I prefer apples myself....sorry, gods that was terrible Wheres odense then?
  10. Think thats bad? I'm having a mid-mid-life crisis, I'll be 20 next year :confused: Thats scary...
  11. So, uh....hows things on the front line then...!!
  12. I moved out of my mum and stepdads when I was about 14/15, I hated my stepdad, been staying at my nans for a few years. Went back to my mums last year for 6 months, then moved out again I can't wait to get my own place, but I'm gonna get one when I move instead of up here, I hate it
  13. "Dizzie Rascal"....seriously...? Jokes whatever floats your boat 8)
  14. Pot Kettle Black...? Back at you, Jono
  15. Aaah, I see..well, I think I got one of them
  16. Big up the wales, huh?
  17. Fosters mostly, and sometimes WKD Blue. Spiders, by System of a Down.
  18. The only thing I can find of my name is: ..which is a bit pathetic
  19. The only thing I ever related to my name (Marc) was some website saying it means "War like" :confused:
  20. Who, me? For what? Who, me? For what? :confused: I'm still waiting for this answer too! :confused:
  21. Why, what kind of texts do you send
  22. You want me to hunt him down and exact revenge? I f***ing love pasta!
  23. Bleh! Just answer the damn question
  24. Oh, my apologies, my dear woman! May I pertain to know if you had a most enjoyable date of birth? :hahaha:
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