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Unofficial Mills

Phil DeForce

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Everything posted by Phil DeForce

  1. Hopefully no-one will make a sexist comment here like mrs blobby or rag week or decorators in etc etc - hopefully we're all much too mature for that...!?!?
  2. last time I was in hospital it was to visit an elderly relative who was also celebrating his 100th birthday. Tragically he died while we were there..... (on reflection, giving him the bumps was perhaps not the best idea.....)
  3. or did he sign it "The Green Cross Code Man"....???
  4. I am but not for long - might get to listen to a decent amount of the show when I'm in my car for two hours.....
  5. I thought he said if you were going out with someone then you may as well break up on the basis that temptation would be too great and having a boyfriend/girlfriend would like a mills-tone (pun intended) around your neck...!
  6. welcome new members but can we have a few more wrinklies like me...!?!?!
  7. mine full of work related shortcuts that no-one else would appreciate...
  8. Isn't celebrity scissor hands a dubious excuse for pervy celebs to get their grimy hands on impresssionable young people? Presumably there's an age limit (18?) for any "victims"...?
  9. My mother in laws' birthday is today - just sent the lyrics to Thriller by text to her landline...! (ps if I call her a witch my missus will shoot me - so perhaps I'll keep my thoughts to myself!)
  10. Becks should be back playing for England where he belongs...
  11. ban him or not, whatever.... btw - I just wanted to see my name as having all four of the most recent posts
  12. talking of mcfly - who was the girl in the "five colours..." video...?
  13. I have "go to bed eyes". When a woman sees me approaching trying to pick her up at the end of a night she tells me to go to bed - alone..!!!!
  14. think I've ditched the email alert thing now (Messaging & Notification settings in CP) Talking of eating a lot of one type of food, can I recommend something to any of the girls who are disappointed by the size of their jumper bunnies. Eat a lot of chicken but not the organic rubbish. Chickens are pumped full of hormone to make the breast meat fuller so eat lots and you should see some improvement. I'm a KFC fan and my moobs are quite impressive...!
  15. was a mistake contributing to this thread - keep getting emails every time a new message is posted - thank heaven for Outlook rules...
  16. Thanks for the welcome. I really should leave work though now.... BTW anyone one like my avatar?
  17. Just observed that this thread has been dormant for a while so thought it needed . I like the fact that he's now called Chopper, reminds of an instance on Brekkie with Coxy when the text messaging had only just started. People were insulting him and they could only read out texts by changing vowels eg "Chappers is a twit" (obviously replacing 'a' with 'i'). One smart arse then texted in - "why is everyone pecking on choppers?" Top stuff..... Anyway, I watched him on Football Night and thought he did a good job (NB not difficult next to the very wooden JB), although who the very random pundits were I have no idea (Five must have no budget for guests?!?)
  18. Sicko? Was just offering up respect to the multi-tasking whizzkids - was not like that in my day - just about had 4 terrestrial channels when I was their age....
  19. I'm inpressed by all the young'uns - tapping away in here & watching Paul O' Grady & listening to Scott all at the same time. Does your homework ever suffer...?
  20. I hate Halloween. Lots of little brats ringing my doorbell every five minutes when I'm trying to eat my dinner. Also it costs me a f***ing fortune in sweets every year! Bah humbug!
  21. Finally can finish work and go listen in the car
  22. I would not trust him to polish someone's slaphead...!
  23. 31st Oct (ie tomorrow) is halloween aka All Hallows Eve.....
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