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Posts posted by J_B

  1. Very specific request, so please delete if not appropriate!

    Does anyone here have a recording of the Indie Show from 18th February this year? Alyx Holcombe did an interview with Vampire Weekend which I listened to live and would love to listen to again, but the show itself has expired now and I can’t find it anywhere else online. Huge Vampire Weekend fan!

    This is the original show link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001w4td

    Thanks in advance!

  2. 8 hours ago, NathanS said:

    This is a really random one. Plenty of presenters that they've used over the past couple of years at Christmas/bank holidays/Friday early breakfast that they could've called upon. I don't see the logic here 🤷‍♂️

    I start to wonder if some of the cover presenters make so much money from the last-minute contracting fees (alongside commercial radio jobs), that they don’t want to take a paycut with a BBC payroll job! Although I guess this would be a short-term contract

  3. 4 hours ago, IamNotFromUK said:

    Matt and Mollie were a comfortable breakfast duo because putting them on breakfast wouldn't disrupt the weekday schedule. Now, they don't have that choice, which means it has to be someone from the weekdays. I don't see Vick, Katie and Jamie, because three presenters could be too heavy in place of Greg. It can still be M&M, but also Dean.

    Your point about early breakfast presenters not covering breakfast is fair, but Dean is not a traditional early breakfast presenter, as his profile is arguably higher than that of the usual early breakfast presenter, and he has already covered the breakfast show.

    Not sure about Dean presenting breakfast permanently - with the current trends it must be at least a duo. 

    I think moving Matt and Mollie to daytime does indicate putting them on Breakfast after Greg leaves in a few years isn’t out of the question. With the existing set of presenters, they are the only popular option, without recruiting externally now (which would likely be very expensive). I know historically they would prefer to give younger presenters the opportunity, but I’m not sure whether they’d compromise a huge drop in listeners overall on their flagship show, if their options were limited.

    The question would be whether the Breakfast slot would fit with their personal schedules and they would take it. It seems likely we’ll have Greg for another 1-2 years at least now, so things could develop for other presenters before then which could change this.

  4. 5 hours ago, lochnessa said:

    I could see him being genuinely happy about this.  He obviously was aware of their show being poorly received and this provides not only an out but an opportunity to do as @1_tw said above.  It's a much better springboard in to becoming a "star" imo even if also a demotion.

    Same. I also feel with the Early Breakfast show there is a much better opportunity to form a closer connection with the listener, as it will be a particular kind of person that is awake and listening then. I think Dean is great at doing that when presenting by himself, and I think that format is something that suits his presenting style perfectly.

    The early afternoon slot is the hardest in my opinion as it’s something people dip in and out of whilst working, and is where presenter familiarity definitely helps. The early breakfast show feels more intimate and I think he’ll do great there. I think Dean having sole ownership of a key daytime show will be great as well. I can see how to some it could be seen as a demotion, but if I was Dean I’d see it as a promotion being given my own key daytime show.

  5. 7 hours ago, Jono said:

    I mean back in the day it was chrismoyles.net and Unofficial Mills (I remember a JK and Joel fansite but it seemed to be shortlived). The internet has changed since.

    I'm in a Greg James Whatsapp channel, for instance, and there are Facebook groups for him. Not sure if there are rival groups, seems a different bunch of people to the young farmers et al that we often hear on air.

    How do we join the Greg James WhatsApp channel out of interest? Or is it just a private group?

  6. 4 minutes ago, Rob86 said:

    Really great news I think. After Jordan’s exit weekdays really need strengthening. And it is weird that the weekend afternoon programme is clearly stronger than the weekday afternoon programme (IMO). Dean and Vicky IMO hasn’t worked and they really now need to ensure they keep all their strongest presenters - including Matt and Mollie. 

    BUT weekdays could sound very London/southern - Greg, RMC, M&M, then Jamie Laing too. Unless they might be thinking of moving RMC and replacing with Katie? I like RMC though. 

    Fascinated to know if there may be other changes coming…

    Yes I agree with this, as much as great news for me, it does seem to be moving in the opposite direction to pushing more shows to broadcast from Manchester which would appeal to the broader country. Who knows, maybe there’s a plan for Dean and Vicky to take drivetime, with Vick/Jamie Laing just a temporary thing over the summer?

  7. This is huge news if true! So happy for them and it will definitely go down well with listeners. Also shows Matt and Mollie aren’t going anywhere fast - which actually was one of my biggest fears. 😊 makes you wonder if R1 team are actually looking into peoples discussions on here/on social media? Does this mean Dean and Vicky at the weekend? I really enjoyed Dean’s weekend slot he used to have.

  8. Given the popularity of 90s/early 00s music with teenagers at the moment, I do wonder if they’ll take a much more varied approach era-wise to the lineup for the first time. Maybe including some 00s acts to tie-in with the launch of the new station.

    I do think the Sophie Ellis Bextor live lounge this week is evidence the station could be open to pivoting in this direction. If someone told me that was happening two years ago I wouldn’t have believed it!

  9. 6 hours ago, AndyK77 said:

    You don't need to be a fan of somebody to hold yourself back from venomous comments.  Whatever people think of Jordan leaving, it isn't Dean's fault.

    Yes absolutely. The Jordan leaving situation has absolutely nothing to do with Dean. I think he’s handled taking over from Scott brilliantly to be honest - the hardest slot to replace in my opinion. I’ve really started to enjoy him more on the breakfast show recently too. Just horrible people trying to find somewhere to direct their anger, and he’s caught in the crossfire!

    Hope he comes back soon!

  10. 5 hours ago, GeekTalk51 said:

    Considering how Jordan North for several years seemed like the obvious next choice for Breakfast if and when Greg departs, I thought it would be worth thinking about where we are with succession planning now, what everyone’s theories are.  Greg will have been on Breakfast for 6 years this year, it would be unusual if he didn’t leave in the next year or so - I suspect management will want him to stay longer than originally intended now Jordan is gone but you never know. Who does everyone reckon is the frontrunner to take over now Jordan is out of the running?

    Taking a quick look at the contenders as I see them: 

    Safe pair of hands options:

    Rickie, Melvin and Charlie: They’ve done it before, if Greg were to leave this year for example at least you’d know it wouldn’t be a car crash and they’d probably be willing to do it.  Downside is it would probably be a 2 year deal at must and they aren’t getting any younger, aren’t the future of the station etc.  Also a jarring change in style from Greg.

    Matt and Mollie: I would have said no chance two weeks ago, but I think they are at least second or third most likely for the gig now.  It’s the same argument as for RMC (if Greg leaves this year they are a good safe option), they fit the style and tone Greg has set so won’t bleed audience majorly, Matt is one of the few remaining DJs of the Jordan/Greg/Scott calibre at this stage (some of the others will reach that point with time and experience I’m sure), Mollie’s personality works on morning radio.  Issue is I don’t know if they’d be willing to commit to it (maybe they’d do it on a 6 month-year contract) and it probably would lean older in terms of appeal than they might want for a fresh Breakfast show.

    The gambles:

    Sam and Danni: On paper, they could well be the future of the station.  They are young, fit the image radio people to their core, but fundamentally they are just not at that level right now, and it would be a hell of a gamble.  I had them down as the most likely breakfast show AFTER Jordan does it for a few years, maybe lack of options means you have to skip a generation and take the gamble.

    Dean McCullough: I know people on here, don’t like this, I don’t like this! But I think at this stage, he may well be the front runner for the show.  The only reason I dismissed this previously was because Jordan was there, Jordan’s departure removes the single biggest roadblock to the inevitable conclusion of his meteoric rise on the station.  it may not be so bad, people will complain and it will be more polarising, but on his own covering breakfast, he sounds solid.  A couple of years and he truly is a personality capable of carrying the Radio 1 Breakfast show.  There are worse options!  Management seems to like him, and that’s a reason in my book, not to dismiss this likelihood.

    The Goldilocks choices:

    Katie Thistleton:

    The more I think about it, the more, I think she’s the ideal candidate.  That doesn’t mean she’d do it, but I don’t think she definitely wouldn’t.  a female presenter would be a breath of fresh air, she’s genuinely good at connecting with audiences in the way. Greg and Scott and Jordan can, she would need more content than she currently does on her show and probably a co-presenter, but should be more than capable of anchoring the slot and it could be really successful.  

    Jack Saunders:

    Hear me out. He’s young, but he’s been on the radio for years. He always sounds in control no matter what show he is on.  Great interviewer, strong personality, not too polarising.  He would probably switch people off in the way Grimshaw did, but thats never stopped breakfast presenters being picked.  it could be something exciting and fresh and genuinely compete with Capital if it was done properly.  on the other hand, it could be an absolute disaster, really depends how it was structured.  

    those are my thoughts, over to you.



    I think the safest and most logical bet would be Matt and Mollie 100%. I know there’s been a lot of conversation around the length of time Matt has been at the station now, but I would say aside from Greg they are the most high-profile/popular presenters with current listeners and much younger potential new listeners. They did the Reading and Leeds coverage last year, which as an event is the pinnacle of youth culture in the UK in my opinion. In addition, they’ve both got young kids which I actually think benefits them in staying closer to pop culture than other presenters. Aside from that they have the right playful presenting style for the station which I just couldn’t see working on any other BBC station atm. Anecdotally, the most popular known presenters remaining with teenage relatives are Greg, followed by Matt & Mollie by far. The question will be whether Matt and Mollie themselves want to stay/have the gig from a practical perspective - no doubt they’ll be getting very lucrative offers from Global/Bauer in due course which may also fit better with their personal circumstances. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see them leaving this year off their own accord for commercial radio somewhere.

    My next choice would be Sam & Danni - I really think they are incredible broadcasters with a wide appeal. Both very likeable people as well. Would be a huge risk though, given they’re not well known, not based in London/Manchester and haven’t had that level of responsibility yet. I see they’ve got the Going Home slot next week which is a big thing for them and no doubt going to be watched closely by bosses for future opportunities. I reckon that Vick leaves end of the summer and they get the Drive Time slot from Cardiff first though.

    My gut feeling is that Dean would get it by himself if Greg left anytime soon - he seems popular with Radio 1 bosses atm, is based at Media City in Manchester and it would be great optics for the BBC to have the first Radio 1 breakfast show from outside London in the second city. He’s also much less likely to want to move to London and have other commercial radio options I would guess - seems pretty settled in Manchester. I’ve actually warmed more to Dean recently but mostly when he’s by himself. Would certainly be divisive with the audience but he seems thick-skinned enough to take any backlash.

    Overall, I reckon the bosses main goal will be to make sure they keep Greg for as long as possible over the next few years, whilst they think about where to go next. Greg is still sounding as fresh as ever and with Jordan taking Capital breakfast they’ll want to have as strong a competition as possible for a few years.

    That being said, there definitely needs to be a complete overhaul/review of who they want Radio 1 to appeal to before making any big decisions though. The station is simply not sustainable with its “historic” target audience in the current market and music industry. Like it or not, there just isn’t that pipeline of younger listeners that there was 5-10 years ago and bringing in an influencer/TikToker with no radio experience to host a flagship show won’t change that.

  11. 18 minutes ago, Wandering Belle said:

    One thing that keeps going through my mind - there’s been loads of times Jordan has joked about getting sacked and how Radio 1 bosses would handle it. Now he’s left and we’ve seen how Radio 1 bosses have let it play out.  

    One of the things I loved about Jordan was he was never afraid to speak his mind about certain Radio 1 decisions on air. Will never forget him criticising the whole Padam Padam situation last year on air. Which ultimately ended up in them adding it onto the C list months after it had actually impacted TikTok. I’m sure on Capital he’ll be allowed a lot more freedom on what he can say.


    14 minutes ago, ianwilk1999 said:

    How rushed do we think it actually is? Grimmy said bye, Annie said bye, Scott and Chris said bye. Do we think he got told you can't say bye?

    Reading between the lines of everyone’s posts/comments and the way announcement was made it doesn’t look like the bosses are happy about it at all. Still shocked that they announced Jordan’s replacement before announcing he was leaving.

  12. 30 minutes ago, BraveInstance said:

    +1 on this too, radio in general is entering unchartered waters. I have Apple Music, but I would never trust it's algorithms to recommend me new music. I don't want to live in a reality where that is a thing. I like tuning in to Future Sounds and finding a new song that slaps, then adding it to my playlist.

    I'm sure most kids are probably used to the algorithms choosing everything for them, but I think it's terrible and goes against everything of what music is about. I want to decide for myself whether I like a song, not to have an AI recommend to me what it thinks I will like.

    It will be interesting to see how it all plays out for sure. I’m a huge Radio 1 fan (still technically in the demographic) and love discovering new music which is why I will continue to listen. But speaking to younger relatives, they’re actually way more open-minded when it comes to listening to music, different generations and genres than when I was a teenager. Most of them are more interested in exploring older artists than newer ones. I do think this is one of the positive aspects of streaming and algorithms - way less tribalism and ageism than there was 10 years or so ago.

  13. 11 minutes ago, TheSaviourisHere said:

    Here here really well said

    Thank you! I mean you just have to look at the demographic of who is commenting/engaging with Radio 1 mostly on the “youth” social media platforms instagram and TikTok - is it their supposed “target” audience? Doesn’t look like it to me. You can push stuff in front of kids but it doesn’t mean they’re going to engage.

    I do also think it’s worth noting that people my age are maturing at a much slower rate now. For example, clubbing into a much older age and a lot more in touch with youth culture than people my age now were maybe 10 years ago. Shifts in culture like this also need to be considered I believe.

  14. 1 hour ago, fac860 said:

    long time forum lurker & listener to scott mills & radio 1. i remember when chris was scotts friend on Tuesdays & Thursdays. 24 yrs at tap end the 1st time. & thought this was the best place to get questions from people more knowledgeable about radio than me

    this news about jordan is huge. its made sense to me longer since i heard it. because Greg popularity & enthusiasm will keep him in that job for a while yet & even if jordan hypothetical started on monday he wouldve been the 3rd oldest breakfast show host in its history to start. but this what im interested in is how did Radio 1 get into such a mess where greg james will delighted by the news now because hes bulletproof, he is arguably the only star they have left. but by may 2026 i believe he overtake steve wright & become oldest DJ to host the R1 breakfast show.

    but there is nobody that looks like the natural successor. 
    ricky & Melvin are 43 charlies 38
    matt edmonson 39?
    Mollie King Jamie laing Arielle Free 36
    katie thisleton soon to be 35
    Jordan & vick 34

    If greg does stay for a few years you cant have a someone starting a breakfast show at the age Chris Moyles left it. im probably wrong but ive heard that only 2 in right age bracket are dean & vicky. but rumour is there RAJAR listening figures arent great

    is this bad planning by radio 1. have the youth radio station has forgotten to blood their youth is there a lack of talent on the way or just not given a change, why hasnt  recent winner or winners of student radio awards been on 4am slot like Greg, Scott & Chris moyles were

    Same as you, I’m a long term lurker and made my first post here today! 😆 I would agree this is some of the biggest news to hit the station since I’ve been listening as a teen (well over 10 years ago now). With Scott it was a real shame, but I do think we all expected it at some point.

    Interesting point about the ages of the presenters. I mentioned this earlier, but I do think there needs to be an honest conversation about the demographic/age of who is actually listening to radio in general (and Radio 1 currently) and the target audience currently set by the trust. In 2012 bringing in Grimmy to the Breakfast show worked - I was 17 at the time and loved the evening show he did and I know a lot of my peers loved his breakfast show too.

    However, I think making a similar move now would do very little in bringing in younger listeners - if anything I think it would make things worse. Young people just aren’t consuming music/content in the same way they used to. I’m at the higher end of the target demographic but even I’m in a minority amongst my peers. I’ve noticed that Capital has changed its approach recently to playlist typically Radio 2-ish bands (Take That, Alicia Keys, S club, Busted etc.) as well as chart music. It makes you wonder if the BBC just need to take a step back and reassess how they’re targeting their music stations. I’m not saying anything needs to change content-wise/music-wise but I really struggle to see how they’re going to bring in a younger generation who just aren’t interested in the radio format full stop.

    By desperately trying to bring in younger listeners, they risk losing their existing listeners whilst also not bringing in any new, younger listeners at all - leaving very few listeners altogether. Simply because they have different ways of music/media consumption now. Maybe they will have more success with the remit of a “new music station” and not just the 16-29 year old demographic that they have historically fixated on. After all, that demographic was outlined at a completely different time, when the music industry was also in a completely different place. Is it still relevant now?

  15. 1 hour ago, 1_tw said:

    I can’t see Greg going for a few years now, Jordan leaving will have sealed the deal. There’s no one there at all to replace him which wouldn’t cause a mass exodus in the next couple of years. The R1 bosses will be clinging onto him.

    Yeah I was thinking this. I imagine they’ll certainly be having a conversation with him encouraging him to stay a few more years and they’ll do everything within their power to do so. But ultimately, they can only do so much. If Greg really wants to go soon, he will just go sadly.

  16. 1 minute ago, xxladybarefootxx said:

    Ooh that's interesting that they left the pic up for Monday... I hope he gets a final show. Even if he is moving to a rival show, it really would seem like more has gone on if he doesn't get to say goodbye, and Jordan doesn't strike me as the type to burn his bridges

    I feel like they would definitely have mentioned him having a last show in the press release if that was the case. Suspect it’s just the Mega Massive Mondays image and they haven’t edited it yet. Title just saying “Going Home”.

  17. 4 minutes ago, AndyK77 said:

    Aside from Katie - I think Sam and Danni would be the best choice now.

    Though hey - for Radio 1 fans of recent years, Jordan North and Chris Stark at Breakfast on Capital is a hard one to pass by..

    Yeah Jordan had a lot of appeal with the younger audience as well following I’m a Celeb and the podcast. Part of the reason that this makes this an even bigger blow to R1 😢

  18. 1 minute ago, BBCAaron said:

    Think when next chance anything opens up it would be good move and would be good to have a daytime radio 1 national show to ne out of England permanently for the first time. I think they are more keen to use Cardiff studios for stuff. 

    Absolutely. In the absence of Jordan, I see them as next in line for the Breakfast Show now - assuming that Vick is on her way out and Matt/Mollie don’t get it.

  19. 2 minutes ago, ianwilk1999 said:

    Vick and Jordan I totally agree with and they did make great radio together quite soon after launch, we would laugh at it at work, it was a very good show.

    Dean and Vicky though, no chance. Dean and Vicky is pure car crash radio. It feels like the interim after scott till they actually find a decent replacement 

    Yeah I like Dean and Vicky as presenters but the delivery doesn’t feel as slick as it could be. I feel like every single show there’s some sort of technical error which you very rarely see on other shows. Also, I generally prefer Dean by himself I don’t know why.

  20. 1 minute ago, BBCAaron said:

    If Scott would join a Global station it would be Heart I’d imagine. He is most certainly more loyal to the BBC and may not fancy doing the competitions and commercial. He is on a salary which he most certainly would be happy with but it would be a good poach for him on Heart and think I’d rather have Heart on over radio 2 daytimes.

    Yeah the thing with Scott is he’s such a versatile presenter he could easily do either in my opinion. Also, as a side note - has anyone noticed how Capital seems to have shifted with its target demographic and approach recently? They’ve started playlisting a lot of artists that would only be put on Radio 2 now (e.g. Busted and Take That). They even got them playing the Jingle Bell Ball.

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