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Bamboleo Bex

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  1. This is where I’m imagining a 6 month break clause in contract. Jordan and Vick started Sept 2021, and if it’s yearly renewals(?) could make now-March possible changeover time if did have a clause. I’m thinking Vick will stay until Sept as it’s currently working for her to dip&out as she does but then we’ll see a schedule overhaul again in the Summer
  2. Unles I’ve missed something, I’m not sure they did say he was staying on in the release? Jamie comes in on the 4th but doesn’t give any mention to Jordan’s last show (albeit if it was yesterday or if is in the future, which doesn’t look likely based on schedules)
  3. Would also make sense with that team meal they posted on Instagram stories yesterday. it was a running thing on the show that they never get round to meeting up outside of the show; sure it was Jordan’s birthday this week but they did gifts live on the show, so combined as a leaving meal too perhaps?
  4. Heaven help whoever might be covering Greg on Monday if he isn’t feeling better, can’t imagine it’ll be normal service resumed on the texts. Least the bosses know they’ll get some high numbers at 15:30 with everyone listening to what (if anything) is going to get said
  5. If true, it is feeling like contingency plans of post-Greg, whenever that is, being put on the table and Jordan’s name not being in it and he landed them with an ultimatum. Jordan can stand on his own, so him landing Capital gig to make him part of a trio just seems like a mistake
  6. About Dean “has managed to hold on to the audience figures that Scott Mills had at lunchtimes“ I don’t review the RAJAR stats but is this even correct? Think they might be putting that as Deans been the occasional cover but by no means does he seem the best first fit for it
  7. I’m still in the something to do with mega massive monday idea, for them to announce Jamie joining in a post before Jordan leaving; and even in two separate posts as well. Idk just seems different to last few announcements. with Aleds comment now makes it bit more real, but still nothing from Jordan or Vick…
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