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Unofficial Mills


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  1. Missed the start of the show (radio player screwed up), where are Soctt and Laura going that neccessitates them tot ake Malaria tablets
  2. Ah cool Ema you know someone minutely famous. Better than most of us I suppose :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  3. I love that Ho guy - he really makes me chuckle!
  4. Yes, saw the previous episodes as well are previous series and thought they were great. Am taping tonight's show and will watch it later. Makes you think that a little bit of discipline does not do anyone any harm. Of course discipline without actually hitting or hurting the person involved:biggrin:
  5. I can't seem to unscribe from getting emails everytime anyone replies and it's driving me dotty!
  6. This song is awful - giving me a headache
  7. The Tom Jones songs sounds like it should be in Eurovision - am not dissing it though
  8. That football convo was hysterical A Man U poster under the floor of Cise's carpets ROFL MAN U ALL THE WAY :biggrin:
  9. LOL@Baz Probs, but I still find it funny that after that whole debacle we barely heard from her again bar briefly after the Hilary Duff concert. Anyone want to text in and ask.
  10. Hi Baz. Oh Miss Nurding Redknapp - she was quite annoying - thank God she's given up that singing lark! Still wondering where Laura is - something smells fishy??????????:-o
  11. Yeah I've been wondering where Laura is. Anyone notice that since it has been revealed that she's swapped Gareth for James, she's been on a lot less - strange, IMO
  12. Show was good today, was better other days. Why do I get the feeling there is something going on with Laura? Her absence y'day and no mention today!
  13. Missed the start of the show - Is Laura around today? Is she going to the Hilary Duff concert with that gal from y'day?
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