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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by occhieppo

  1. Just listened to her new tune and I am undecided on whether I like it. Will have to listen a few more times before I can reach a decission.
  2. I bet he's dissapointed you changed it!
  3. This is the best twist to beccys voice ever!
  4. yeah but its a downsight easier than the gym!
  5. goldengirlno13 you should pop round to mine the back garden has a deck chair, a cool drink and a laptop streaming the show - and plenty of sun!
  6. gooday sparkles! You enjoying the sunshine?
  7. Jono - keep the cold weather down there please i'm loving my streams of heat beating down on Dundee.
  8. Scott - running, some how can't visualize that! Let alone with his ear phones constantly falling out.
  9. Yeah would definately agree with that Jono - supect that was a bad attempt at an Irish accent.
  10. Afternoon geeks! I'm all proper excited first post whilst sitting listening to the show in the house makes such a change from listening in the car. I love holidays! Whats with the dodgy anonomous Irish guy?
  11. This is he in the flesh so to speak.
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