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Unofficial Mills


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Posts posted by Chippy

  1. So confused about what this topic is about...

    Re: Is it windy down your end?

    :shock: ....nope.

    ...it's pretty damn warm too....

    too much information!

    my hair dries in an instance when getting out the door.

    what hair?

    Really confused about what this topic is about, explain?

  2. They're still denying the crap ticket sales are down to the line up aren't they? Last I heard it was the poor weather of previous years that has been putting people off...:rolleyes:

    Well they might say that but they know the truth. :B)

  3. There's no date. The joke was that he'd be last. He did say 18th July, but that might have been a joke, considering that's a Friday!

    Oww :confused: Bust have tuned in at the wrong time and only heard the end of it when they were talking about it (Because I'm sure I heard them talking about a battle once)

    Thanks Jono :)

  4. It was when she first jumped out on Scott in the dark when he was at Radio 1 'ghost hunting'. It's a bit of an ironic name, as most people considered 'wacky' really aren't that crazy at all.

    Oh yeah :D I remember that, she had a clown mask on or something.

    Welcome Becky (Even though you joined before me :P)

  5. Let's create a big old Crystal Maze style phone box with loads of used scratch cards in. We'll get a megaphone and ask Beccy to come outside Radio 1 and she has two minutes to catch the scratch cards and find the ones with the money on. The money can equate to cakes or something. Radio 1 Online can then film it.

    Haha, made me laugh, sounds like a great idea.

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