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Everything posted by MagicBert

  1. Yeah Chappers was wanting Man U to win. It did seem to go on forever, but I have to admit to getting totally caught up in the penalty shoot-out :oops:
  2. Afternoon people Hope we're all well.
  3. I'm off for now. See you guys later
  4. LOL @ Lloyd. FUNNY stuff. Nothing gets past him!
  5. I suggest crawling under a rock for the rest of the evening then. (In the nicest possible way, of course) And then for a few weeks when Euro 2008 starts soon!
  6. I Really hated this Madonna song at first, but it's grown on me loads now. Loved the stereo effects with the end of the news then. I'm a radio geek, like that.
  7. I Fear not. The match doesn't kick off till 10.45pm Russian time! So it'll be a gone midnight finish. Could you ever imagine that happening here? I Look forward to hearing what Lloyd has to say...
  8. rofl @ Scott's total lack of football knowledge. Funny.
  9. I Think One Republic should've released Mercy as their next single. Much better than what they are bringing out. Although it's nice enough, i suppose!
  10. Someone at my workplace looks a bit like him, so we've assumed him the nickname and tease him accordingly
  11. I've only been once in the past year and a half. Probably cos i've got no one to go with Sniff.
  12. Only just tuned in today. What did I miss, in a nutshell?
  13. Oh Becky might've eaten the cake with the laxatives in! Hah. I'm liking having people to discuss this show with, too. Might have to drop by here more often
  14. Looks like youve got your wish with the laxatives. :!: Oh my god.
  15. Oh ROFL @ the mocked up News bulletin. Brilliant.
  16. Yep. It starts the week after next, no? I usually watch the first night, and then keep loose tabs on it from there on. Didn't like last years though
  17. I nearly spat my chips out when I heard the story about going to the wrong funeral. You just don't! Funny. I've got apple rounds now. Sorta cake-y, no?
  18. Hey All. My first time in these threads today Mm. Cake ... Am I the only one who still doesn't really like that Ting Tings song?
  19. Hello from moi. Always meant to join here but finally got round to it I'm Brett but most people call me Bert, from Sheffield.
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