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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by unclesirbobbyrobson

  1. To be honest I am more of a chris moyles fan. But the scott mills website is so much better. Never really get to hear the radio between 4-7pm But I remember when you did the morning show and that was brilliant Radio one is just the best station
  2. Its called "the mystery" I think from doug walker. Actually I heard it again on chris moyles show(guess its a bit pointless adding that as chris moyles show is the only place where you will hear it) But funnily enough I quite like the song now. I think it would desevre a place on the play list. Sometimes you need to listen two or three times.
  3. Doug walker was just some guy who stood outside radio one on a morning. He talked to chris moyles and asked him to listen to his demo. Chris liked it and played it that very morning. Later he got a record deal and its now been published. Its quite catchy in the first twenty seconds but later its really quite average. Chris does not really pin himself to records. He says what he likes but he has really backed this and been critical to the radio one playlist committee . But the only good reasonn that he has for getting it on the playlist is because its a great story.. well frankly thosands of groups try to plug their records and loads of demos get unheard. Thats just tough luck. To be honest the doug walker record is not that bad. But its also not that good. There has to be some cut off point. You are either on the playlist or off it. Frankly I can understand why it was left off the playlist.
  4. He makes it sound as if radio 1 is this big faceless body that imposes its will upon everyone. But I believe Aled Haydn Jones is on the playlist committee. The records just very average. He needs to accept that. I think he is probably a little jealous of jo whiley and her power and reputation to make or break new artists. But I have heard him joke about how his records are specially chosen from the listeners at random from the radio one playlist
  5. Quite funny this morning. Chris moyles was angry that radio one did not put that doug walker record on the playlist. Just cos he can't get his own way. Its not that good a record anyway. Even aled did not vote for it on the playlist. Its the only time I have seen moyles really support a new band and he picked a song that totally sucks.
  6. They were making out he was right inthe danger. He was behind loads of barbed wire and in a bunker directing planes. Hardly dangerous at all.
  7. Just when I had jumped up with delight at the return of fearne she goes and shoots off again. Just have to get used to this guy called Fearnand
  8. He really does deserve the title saviour. Chris is so much more popular than scott. But if there was no chris then people would be giving scott the praiose he deserves. Scotts a comedy genious - but the trouble is that chris is a double comedy genious. I only just started to listening to radio one this last twelve months. I never used to like the music. I last used to listen to radio one in the days when dave lee travis and steve wright were around. Steve wright compared to chris moyles. Not even in the same league. It was the same show day after day. A bit funny the first time you hear it but then just annoying rubbish
  9. "A bit dull" - never It was great from start to finish. Some great performances especially from leona.
  10. Sometimes he does irritate me. But he is just the funniest guy. happy birthday Mr Moyles He mentioned unofficial mills on the morning show early on. He was wished happy birthday by them. he thought it was especially funny since he did not get anything from the moyles site
  11. Amy a great perfromer. No,no no She came in late and it was all flat. I don't really get this mark ronson thing either. Maybe its because he is in with the Brit crowd. what happened to the enemy. They did niot even get a nomination. scandal
  12. Rhianna and Klaxons was really odd. The highlight has got to be sharon osbourne with vic reeves I liked leona best though. That was a great set
  13. The early shift people seem to be leaving lots of messages for jo whiley. They seem to be jumping a show and talking to the ten o'clock show. Chris moyles virtually never talks to greg james or to D and D. Its getting a bit obvious. I think he feels that greg james stole JK and Joels jobs
  14. I maybe cynical but Jo seems to have been doing a lot of prankstering just two weeks after the away day they had just two weeks ago. They have a little meeting on how to bring the various teams together and suddenly all this prankstering starts.
  15. She seems in a right mood this week. Setting up scott , then gregg james. She was getting ants in her pants about Moyles stealing one minute of her radio show... Guess she is just peed off cos Moyles got to make the big announcement about maidstone
  16. Not many seem to have the guts to owning up to liking this ... fewer even to buying it.
  17. Makes sense They just give a neg for a neg
  18. Who buys this garbage. Its the worst record I have heard in years. Please come forward and let yourself be known.
  19. I didn't have any. But mainly because I have had them twice this week already:p
  20. Pancakes are easy. You do not need any mixture. its just 1. 2 eggs beaten into a bowl 2. Add flour 3. Add water until its the consistency of porridge.. ege a bit gooie 4. heat up a pan and add a tiny tiny amount of oil. 5. add just enmough mixture to cover the pan It will start to peel off when its ready to turn. Then flip it over. It ios best served with lemon juice and sugar. Yum YUM
  21. Its very rare that they are together at all F and R. I hope she comes back. Shes my fave DJ.
  22. I heard that. It was funny. Kelly 'O' was none too pleased either... she said that kerry had been sacked from the iceland ads.
  23. Well I heard moyles mention this. He said that he had cancer and then he had leukemia. I understood that he therefor had two forms of cancer at the same time. Might be wrong though
  24. Apparently he had cancer. then a year later he had leukemia. Thats not good luck. He pulled the single best prank ever. He set up an alien landing. Flashing lights and everything. Then police closed off the area. Then he got this woman to talk to this ridiculous looking alien. She did as well.. welcome to our planet. Do you want a cup of tea she said.
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