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Robbie Keane

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Status Updates posted by Robbie Keane

  1. Shame - they taste great together :) Just feed them to me seperately and I'll be happy.

  2. Should get the self-titled album. Absolute classic. Radio One played it in full a while back. Was funny to hear Aled review it, even though they got something wrong.

  3. Sounds good, will have to check it out. I'm lucky that my workplace does metal nights sometimes, but not often enough sadly. It's another indie night again, but am gonna try and request some Rage or FNM to help the time pass a little more easily.

  4. Yes, yes you do. I should check it out sometime if it's up in Manchester. Probably heading up there sometime next year so might as well sample some of the rock clubs. Best place I've found so far is Rock City in Nottingham, but only been once to see Avenged Sevenfold on a whim. Birmingham isn't bad for it, but can never find enough places.

  5. Yeah I'm fortunate in that sense. I've had a few friends not too keen on rock stuff, but others who are like "look, I'm ok to go to a rock club but if we're gonna do it, let's do the heavy shit. None of this indie pussy crap" which suits me to the ground. But mostly, my friends are metal heads so I can pretty much end up anywhere and everyone is happy. Lucky isn't the word.

  6. I rarely go to places with cheese. Have done, but it's not very often. I prefer to just go to a relaxing place to have a drink, headbang and either hang with friends or find girls to chat to. I'm a simple-minded soul sometimes. Quite lucky that my Mom is the same so she can not only listen to the music but has asked to go to rock clubs with me before, and held her own quite well I may add.

  7. I usually get told by my Mom to turn it up so she can hear it from the garden. We usually have to listen to grime blasting out the window so we usually grab a moment to ourselves and she sunbathes and I blast AC/DC out the window. Restoring the balance, really. My mates and I usually go to a local student night which mixes indie with Rage, Slipknot, LB, GnR, Queen, etc. A bit of everything, always fun. DJs are pretty cool there to be fair, and the drinks are cheap enough so you're plastered before you begin to care that The Strokes or KoL are playing.

  8. Yeah I can understand why you'd be called anti-social, but I'm no better when I spend most of my time listening to radio online and playing poker. I need Sky up here, really. May sort that out soon, actually. Just need an aerial.

    I'm lucky in the sense that most of my friends are into rock so I can get away with going to indie clubs that play some Rage, or metal clubs that play.. well, metal. Got quite a few round here. Spoilt for choice, almost. Not that I haven't chavved it up, but that wasn't the best time I've ever had in all honesty. Not my cuppa.

  9. I'm sure they'll be fine in their own gig with people who want to see them. Saying that, I do like the new stuff from Chester's new band. Heard it on Kerrang and was really impressed.

    I'm probably going to Download next year. Maybe Sonisphere, but I'm used to Download and missed it this year so no doubt I'll be there. Don't you have any other friends into that music? Or are you a recluse? :P

  10. Ahh, Download 04 I think. I saw Slipknot in 05 and they were very good but just a one-tricker, essentially. Saw HIM at 05 and Ville hid in a corner and went on about how 666 is not an evil number anymore and how we shouldn't throw bottles because we're disrespecting the stage of Black Sabbath. Fucking idiot. LP were just really dull - Chester sounded bad, they were boring and the music sounded bleh. Not a fan at the best of times but I expected better.

    Foos were good in Brum. Serj Tankian supported and he was good too. Got Papa Roach coming up next, and hopefully Shinedown if I can get on the guestlist. Got any upcoming?

  11. Our garden isn't big enough to bury everything and the dog would only sniff out and dig them up. She's already nearly made it out under the garden before, so would hate to give her more opportunities to escape. Not that it would stop her, mind, but at least she's spending her time under my bed rather than under a fence these days.

    Slipknot are good live but if you've seen them once then you've seen them every time. Korn were great every time I've seen them, LP disappointed me. Foos were great, GnR, AC/DC, Metallica, Rage, Whitesnake, you name them, most of them are pretty damn awesome. Maiden, Manson on one occasion, HIM and SOAD were disappointingly bad. SOAD especially. Stunned as I only heard good things, but they didn't want to be there at all. Most people do actually like Nickelback but refuse to admit it, and Nickelback themselves are very good live - explosions, beer, metal covers, singalongs, t-shirts, etc. Really really fun gig on the level, if not higher, of Foos.

  12. I'm not good with dead things at the best of times, but I'm far too used to shovelling a bird or a rat into a black bag and binning it. Quite sad, really, but it's their fault for taunting a dog whose natural instinct is to hunt and kill (unless you're human, in which case it's instinct is to jump on your back, lick your face and drop a ball into your lap until you throw it for her).

    I thought Kasabian were better than I expected, but not as good as other people thought they were. Their fanbase is very laddish, and I'm very not laddish so I wasn't so keen, even though I do like certain songs admittedly. I'm just too used to seeing great live bands like Foos, GnR, Metallica, etc, so I never understand how people can say Kasabian, who do little to nothing live, are so great when I've seen a band like Nickelback who are utterly incredible live and actually do things on stage and interact and rock out. But I always find things that disagree with me to be weird by nature :)

  13. Makes sense. My Mom wanted to do that but a cat would never co-exist with our dog. She's a hunter by nature, although they may share a common bond in killing birds and dumping them on the living room floor for me to pick up. That's always fun to do...

  14. Not to mention time consuming. Late on a Sunday, gonna be waiting ages and you don't want that on a birthday.

    You're a cat lady then. Dare I say a crazy cat lady? lol. I'm kinda with Scott on the whole cat thing, but each to their own. How are you going to co-exist the border collie and cats though? Sounds like a recipe for disaster...

  15. I imagine we'll get a taxi. Uncle is stinjy about lifts, and Mom won't wanna get a bus. Which is fine - taxi's are fairly cheap here.

    30 isn't too bad at all. Would be a waste if they died sooner. You've got plenty of years left, then, touch wood.

    I have a little shit of a staffordshire bull terrier. She's not short of personality and she's the funniest little thing, but she can be a little shit when she wants to be. Likes to jump on my bed and wake me up, or hide underneath it for some reason. Won't come out for anything other than food. I'll shove a photo into my album some time. You got any other pets?

  16. Never tried sambuca but I have to serve a lot of it. Teenagers love their sambuca, and I don't know why. I tend to get a hangover whatever I drink, but a banana seems to do wonders for it.

    I dunno if I'll drink much with the family meal, but I might. There's only three of us but my Mom'll no doubt have a drink and no doubt she'll want me to have a cocktail or something so it'd be rude not to :) Going to a pizza restaurant - got a £50 voucher for only £26, so was silly not to take it up.

    How long do horses generally live for? You'll have to forgive my lack of horse knowledge. I'm not an expert :)

  17. I usually mix things for the fun of it, but I don't remember what tasted good and what didn't Aftershock with Smirnoff Ice tends be be quite nice and strong, but I forget the rest. Never tried Baileys but my Mom swears by the stuff. I'm good with most drinks though, except cider. Have been known to black out and wake up in a provocative position with a girl in the middle of a park. Never again.. he says.

    For my birthday, since it's on a Sunday, I'll probably do a four-day thing, but Sunday will be the family meal day so it'll technically be three. Pub, club, whatever we find, really.

    Lovely name for the horse. Just noticed the pics in your album. Beautiful horse. I think most horse owners are the same - once you have one, you're married for life. At least in the case of the ones I know, anyway. How long you had her for?

  18. I'm sure you can mix them, but I wouldn't try it. Not a big beer fan myself; I'm like Aled in that I stick to girly drinks and cocktails and such. It's how I retain my girly good looks, by shunning the typical big male stereotype of beer, football and fighting lol. But in saying that, I can hold my drink pretty well so it's gonna take a lot to put me down on my birthday. Thankfully, I'm up to the challenge :)

    I don't envy your work at all. You have a horse too? Ooh er. A former love interest of mine has a horse too. What's he/she called?

  19. 5 hours isn't too bad. I used to have to survive on 4 at Uni and that'll no doubt kick back in when I go back next month. For now, with nothing to do, 8/10 hours is the norm. I'm going to miss it :(

    Yeah, will be fun to serve Kasabian fans as I try to catch glimpses of them through the doors. One of the road crew was around last night, so was talking to him for a bit. I imagine that I wouldn't wanna swap it for your job. I sense that call centres are depressing and soul-crushing. I'd offer to swap but I kinda like my job :) Which is rare, but nice. Have some vodka if you have nothing but vodka and coke. I had some Red Square the other day and it was quite nice, but I have nothing to drink vodka with, unless I drink straight from the bottle, which just doesn't seem wise. Gonna stay sober until my birthday, I think. Then I'll make up for lost time.

  20. Well it's not my fault that I need more than 6 hours of sleep to function properly :) Plus, my sleep patterns are screwed anyway so I'm going to sleep at 6am no matter what. Just helps that work requires some late shifts. Ah well, get to listen to Kasabian for the next two shifts as they play, so that's something.

    What do you do, work wise? I'm sure whatever it is, it deserves a beer. Have one for me too, since I only have vodka in the house and nothing to drink it with.

  21. Why are you working on a Sunday? What's wrong with you? :P In fairness to me, I was working until 3.30am last night, so I deserved a lie-in. I'm pretty good though, ta. Just been cleaning all day, getting the decorating finished. Joyous times.

  22. How are you? Now that it's afternoon :) (I only just woke up, sue me)

  23. Sorry for the late reply. I'm fine thanks - you?

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