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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by Ruokasi

  1. That experiment would work better if you stuck the thing to below the lid and only then when you turn it upside down will it fizz and eventually pop.
  2. Ruokasi


    I like his new wikipedia.. "On the last day of January, Scott set up a "myspace" profile, revealing that his star sign is Aries and he has very little friends." I'm sure it's real.
  3. Ruokasi


    http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=52481168 Scotts?
  4. I must admit that the first episode atleast is slow, it's not like 'Lost' where you are thrown into the story and then get flashbacks.. The building up of the storyline is, in my opinion, quite important..
  5. Surely, he must be faking since they must have phone up before and said "we just pranked you, can we play your phone call on the radio?"..
  6. If it's just the Channel 5 itself, I can't see why it's putting you off.. They have generally a good range of American shows this year with Killer Instinct/Prison Break and apparently House (which I don't watch)
  7. Prison Break starts tonight, 10pm, C5. Will anyone be watching?
  8. I'm thinking that the horse refers to someone ugly..
  9. I would like to bet on the chances of Scotts phone book making the Internet.. And then all the 'celebrities' having to change their numbers.
  10. http://www.zug.com/gab/index.cgi?func=view_thread&sort=funnymtd&head=1&thread_id=53390 ..Has anyone read the page found at the link above before? I was just reading it and was in fits of laughter near the end.. What does everyone else think of it? There is also an area of pranks, such as the dialogue of phoning up Dell and seeing if they know how to respond when you are like the guy in their advert.. "You're there?" "24/7/365".. "Herd of locusts running down your street"..
  11. I propose anyone living in London to take a trip to Big Ben with a bunch of flowers and message for the whale.. Set up a memorial..
  12. Yeah, it evaded the congestion charge.
  13. Seriously.. http://www.sky.com/skynews/home Who gets to name it?
  14. What is your full name? Nick What colour "nickers" are you wearing? Lime Green. What are you listening to right now? Scott Mills: Feeder - Buck Rogers.. What is the last thing you ate? Rice with things in and a burger thing. Do you wish on stars? No. How is the weather right now? It's dark, I can't see. Last person you talked to on the phone? I don't go on the phone. Do you like the person who sent you this? Don't know him. How are you today? Fine. Favourite drink? This blackcurrent drink thing. Favourite alcoholic drink? I don't. Favourite sport? I don't. Hair colour? Brown. Eye colour? I can't see. Do you wear contacts or glasses? No. Number of siblings? 2. Favourite food? Cheesecake or trifle. Favourite pet? Dog. Last movie you watched? Spongebob Squarepants. Favourite Day of the year? Saturdays. What do you do to vent anger? Get angry in my head. What was your favourite toy as a child? Dunno. Summer or winter? Winter. Hugs or Kisses? Kisses. Chocolate or vanilla? Either. When was the last time you cried? Ages ago. What did you do last night? I fell asleep after listening to Scott Mills until this morning. Favourite smells? Myself. Who inspires you? Nothing. What are you afraid of? You. Favourite car? Dunno. Favourite flower? I don't have one. Number of keys on your key ring? 1. Can you juggle? No. Favourite day of the week? Saturday. What did you do on your last birthday? Nothing. Do you have a donor card? No. Single or Taken? Single. Do you work? No. Do you have a crush? Yes. Do they know? No. Favourite 3 songs? Can't be bothered to tell you. Last thing you watched on T.V? Lost S02E11. Last C.D you bought? Chers Greatest Hits.
  15. Oh. Nothing exciting like a prank phone call then..
  16. ..I am wanting to hear it happen. The phone call was amusing.
  17. On the adverts for Chris Moyles, does the thing really happen if they are silent for long enough?
  18. Blatantly she put him on loudspeaker... I think. I heard some laughing.
  19. Wouldn't it be so great if James lost his job for swearing at work on the telephone?
  20. ..Any chance of an un-edited version popping up anywhere?
  21. It would have been better if he was able to fit in "Love Ya" at the end.
  22. Wouldn't it be acceptable if your parents were really good looking?
  23. ..Surely if Chappers and Scott just re-enact the phone call, that is allowed?
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