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Status Updates posted by KingTutsWWH

  1. That was a nice thought. A B-day without a cake seems a bit of a sham(e).

  2. Think I can put up with it. Don't like taking painkillers, but a week is OK. Yup the SB is a little bit bonkers. Grace wants to arrange an insurrection one day. We'll have to make sure all of us are about.

  3. Uhuh, Hmm. Shows how much I hate shopping suppose. Don't know what the tills sound like. Thought you were making spurious accusations against my lovely Damon.

    Sooo looking forward to Fri, but we have to go down and get back in a day. Won't be much fun for the lovely boyf driving.

  4. Well done lovely.

    Have you come down yet? :D When are you back on the show again? I shouldn't imagine they'll let you go for a while.

  5. What a terrible day you had yesterday. It is awful when you're in another country and you can't physically hug someone. Hope your mother in law is ok, and that your daughter isn't too upset today.

    *hugs from me.

  6. Whatchoo mean exactly re Damon Albarn on Twitter? Confused smiley.

  7. Wish Linda a Happy Birthday from me.:) Hope you're both doing something nice this evening.

  8. Would love to, but busy today. Keep me posted. Still no comment from Rob?;)

  9. You did the same as me you lemon! Posted on your own page. Spoke too soon. Why exactly are we not meant to see it? Perhaps because he is not particularly enthusiastic about Jono or the activity on UM.

  10. You didn't mention you were on tonight you twassock!;)

  11. You'll be pleased to hear the fantastic Mr Webb won the dancing last night. Think I voted for him about 8 times. Also voted for Leigh Francis twice. Don't tell the boyf. Tee hee.

    'Twas the same dance, but I think he did it even better this time.

    Michael Macintyre was judging again. Hopefully there'll be some clips up on you tube for you later to watch.

  12. Your engagement was lovely news. Congratulations to you both. :) How many Laura clips is your best man gonna use in his speech?Blimey! It's virtually already writtedn for him, the lucky so and so!

  13. Yup, makes perfect sense. Bit like Mr Lucas and Star Wars. The story was always planned, but music did come first though according to Wiki. Yay! I win the debate.

    Timsk wonders if you modelled your hair on the hero btw?:D

    I'd also agree there is a resembence. Haha.

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