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About ortonangel

  • Birthday 01/04/1981

ortonangel's Achievements

  1. Add in to all this the fact that Beccy occasionally just calls him 'Mark' - which I find really strange for some reason!
  2. I think everybody should think back to when Laura left and Beccy started on the show. Even though at first many forumers were saying that Beccy was a pale 'imitation' of Laura and could never fill her shoes, she has turned out to be really quite different from Laura yet completely amarrzin in her own right. It was really sad and, I guess, difficult for some to adjust when Laura left, but imagine now if Beccy left - it would be just as bad! Of course it would be a shame if Chappers moved on, but nothing lasts forever, and nobody should assume that an equally effective dynamic could not be achieved with somebody different.
  3. Joe was an absolute sweetheart to us and is clearly loving every minute of the show. But apart from that, his talent is really quite outstanding. The kid's got some voice on him, I tell you!
  4. All these pics are ace, guys - god love the internet given that I forgot my camera. Kirsty I love the one where my head looks really small, haha!! So glad you and Jo managed to get more tickets for last night, what a turnaround! And I wish TOTDS had filmed Chappers' reaction to 'that' song...
  5. I was really really impressed. It wasn't what I was expecting at all - he really can do some amazing tricks! My favourite bit was where he pretended it was all going wrong. I think he genuinely had the audience believing it had gone wrong before revealing the trick... very clever. There were some right weirdos in the audience, too, which always helps when it comes to comedy, haha! But all in all, a very charismatic character and some mindblowing tricks. He just needs to stop being so nervous, bless him!
  6. In the group photos, the guy in the middle is the actor who plays Rob the slimy boss, and of course there's Joe on the end who plays Scott in the musical. The lady in the bottom picture is the posh radio 4 lady. I officially love her!
  7. Is it just me, or is Scott looking very thin these days? And not quite as orange as normal? I wonder if practising all those dance moves has taken its toll...
  8. Viv, thanks so much for all the info. I moved to Edinburgh three weeks ago (from Brighton - I'm not sure I could get any further from Edinburgh without falling into the sea) and it's actually pretty useful for me in general, as I don't really know anyone here. It's a pretty scary time!
  9. Well, I live about 5 mins from the train station or, if you fly, I can come and pick you up from the airport. Either way, I'll meet up with you when you arrive, so don't worry about being lost and confused! Anyway, I guess we should continue this conversation off the forum, else everyone will get tres bored... H x
  10. Does Jono not have anywhere to stay??? Jono, yes, if you need somewhere, then you do indeed get first refusal. If Jono is sorted, then my offer will remain open. H x And yes, my tickets are for the first night. You want the room then?
  11. Good God, I can't believe I actually managed it! I'm in disbelief!!! :D:D OK, so, here's where I tell you all that I live in central Edinburgh and have a spare bedroom with double bed. It's there if you want it - first come first serve (again, sorry ) The only catch is that, on the night, you have to pretend we already know each other, cos I think my boyfriend would freak if he thought I was inviting complete strangers to stay in our flat, hehe!! Lemme know if you want it! Helena x
  12. Hi Jono, What's the latest on updating the podcast archive? I still haven't listened to any podcasts post-March 10th, cos I know that if I start listening to the ones I have, I'll be missing out on so many in-jokes. Now I'm 3 months behind!! Mind you, It's going to mean the most amazing mammoth catch-up session when I finally get the missing episodes, I have a 9-hour drive from Brighton to Edinburgh in 4 weeks - it'll be podcasts all the way! And yes, I do know what an unbelievable saddo geek this post makes me look like. Heléna
  13. Thanks, guys. I'll keep checking the archives... in the meantime, I guess I'll just have to be patient!! H
  14. Hi all! I have a disaster of epic proportions on my hands, which I know only my fellow Scottaholics will understand.. I went away on work and left my computer switched on so that it would continue to download the podcasts while I was away. However, it appears that my computer decided to 'update' and restart itself on the first night. Aargh!! Now I am missing all the episodes after the 10th March!! I've managed to download the last two available, the 16th and 17th of April, but I'm missing everything in between. I am feeling traumatised by this discovery. I haven't missed a podcast since 2005 (yes I know how sad that is). If anyone out there is sympathetic to my plight and has these missing episodes, PLEEEEEASE can you email them to me Thank you so much in advance, Heléna PS While I'm here, does anyone know how I can stop my computer doing the update thing again unless I ask it to?
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