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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by Colujimbo

  1. His death was announced on French radio and TV apparently :shock:
  2. He dies once a year atleast. He'll live on in our hearts, and we'll all be paying tribute in 30 years ala the Elvis ones!
  3. Obligatory "G'mornin" :shock:
  4. hahahahaha What reviews said it was rubbish? They know nothing! I've had it a few weeks now... :* and it's possibley one of the best albums I've ever heard! Girls who play guitars is my fav!
  5. You're going to grow a mostache?
  6. I'm not, and I shall defend it to the hilt....
  7. Who's this "Scott Mills"? Anyone got a clue who he is? :confused: I think it's pronounced Sir Scott Mills...that's how her Majesty would really like it...
  8. I hate Sara Cox soooooooo much, so haven't even bothered listening this week. Can't wait until Scotts back :cool:
  9. Inform her you packed it though...
  10. QPR (The Hoops) and Sue - you would...
  11. Couldn't possibley do that...come on you hoops ;-)
  12. Thanks :biggrin: Best set out my bucket to catch the wee tonight! Night all.
  13. Hello treacle's, my first post on here...be gentle
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