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Everything posted by Mafro

  1. Always good to see Chelsea get shafted.
  2. He better get used to playing in front of Spanish crowds for next season. Also, Real would have been in deep shat if it wasn't for Casillas.
  3. England are more then capable of winning it, but thanks to the rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrubbish media and various other inevitable cock-ups, they probably won't.
  4. Bugger, I was gonna put money on Boro winning as well.
  5. Mafro

    Massive Attack!

    I saw the video on Chanel 4 the other day, it's pretty good. Teardrop is my favourite though, they have a singles collection coming out at the end of March I think.
  6. Mafro


  7. Mafro


    There's probably no chance it will come out for the normal Xbox. I cant wait for the new Zelda game and MGS4.
  8. Mafro


    I'm a hardcore gamer, but to hell with buying a 360, it was released far too early.
  9. Mafro

    Rat Race

    It's got one of the worst endings I have ever seen.
  10. Mafro

    Arctic Monkeys

    Indeed, it's a tune and a half.
  11. Mafro

    Arctic Monkeys

    The Strokes = great. Artic Monkeys = overrated media darlings.
  12. St Andrews Day and Burns Day are barely celebrated up here.
  13. TV Burp is the funniest thing on TV bar none.
  14. I think Orange is best, especially the student deals. 120 free minutes, 1000 free texts and 50 quid free airtime for 25 quid a month.
  15. What is your full name? Matthew Francis. What colour "nickers" are you wearing? Grey. What are you listening to right now? Faithless - Salva Mea. What is the last thing you ate? Chicken nuggets. Do you wish on stars? Not at all. How is the weather right now? Damp. Last person you talked to on the phone? My girlfriend. Do you like the person who sent you this? Nobody sent me it. How are you today? Great, just finished work and now downing some Stella. Favourite drink? Irn Bru. Favourite alcoholic drink? Red Stripe, Stella or Tennants. Favourite sport? Football and basketball. Hair colour? Black. Eye colour? Brown. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Contacts. Number of siblings? 1 brother, 1 sister. Favourite food? Pizza. Favourite pet? My old sea monkeys. Last movie you watched? Escape from New York Favourite Day of the year? Birthday What do you do to vent anger? Punch things. What was your favourite toy as a child? Lego. Summer or winter? Summer. Hugs or Kisses? Both at the same time. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate. When was the last time you cried? Agggggges ago. What did you do last night? Went to the pub and watched the football. Favourite smells? Petrol. Who inspires you? Nobody I can think of. What are you afraid of? Not much. Favourite car? Honda Civic Type-R Favourite flower? Rose. Number of keys on your key ring? 3. Can you juggle? Sort of. Favourite day of the week? Saturday. What did you do on your last birthday? Went out on the piss Do you have a donor card? No. Single or Taken? Taken. Last time you had sex? Saturday. Do you work? Yes How much do you get an hour? 5.50. Do you have a crush? Yes. Do they know? No. Favourite 3 songs? Too much choices. Last thing you watched on T.V? My Name Is Earl. Last C.D you bought? Damian Marley - Welcome To Jamrock.
  16. Mafro


    FHM Zoo/Nuts (practically identical) Total Guitar
  17. British Day would be pointless and being British almost has no meaning anymore. To me, British/English are interchangeable.
  18. Mafro

    Arctic Monkeys

    The first single was shat but the new one is good, the bit when it kicks in is fantastic. I don't like the singers stupid accent though.
  19. One of my local stations, Beat 106, recently changed to Xfm Scotland.
  20. You could have seen that draw coming from a mile away! I'm sure there's a hefty stash of rabbits feet hidden somewhere in Stamford Bridge.
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