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Unofficial Mills


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Everything posted by DC

  1. Judge Jules was the 1st in with that track. Currently listening to One of my old Mark & Lard shows, it was the one they did from Alton Towers and Mark nearly throws up on air while he is on the ride "air". Currently playing Ja Rule - Always On Time . Forgot how bad that record was...
  2. lmfo That Slam by Pendulum was wicked. I heard Fabio & Grooverider play it 1st.
  3. Oh what a tune! Have that on plastic too, the eric prydz remix.
  4. No fair! After all my hard work! Mind you i dont mind, it gives me somthing to work for...
  5. Yea i know. Just saying it's sorta screamed out... Yay! Im on "Chris Moyles" 909 posts!
  6. "I know you wanna hate me" or somthing. 2001, i liked that year. A good summer.
  7. DC

    Sad B**tard!

    Cant be arsed. There's no need.
  8. DC

    Sad B**tard!

    If you would of told me slightly earlier i could of got it. It's over a week now so it's gone. DAMN!
  9. DC

    Sad B**tard!

    what day, what time?
  10. It wont solve the problems that are happening now. But kill him, becuase it will expose and remind all those people who think we shouldn't of got rid of him. He deserves to die, the world has no place for him.
  11. Probably heard it at some point. Woods does some good stuff.
  12. Brilliant tune. Have that on plastic.
  13. DC

    Birthday Mentions

    Nasty, rather drink p*ss than drink that.
  14. What am i listening to, an old limp biskit track. That one that has a lot of screaming, oh yea "take a look around" i think.
  15. DC

    Birthday Mentions

    Come to think of it. It's better for me to drink early, rather than make such a big deal when I turn 18 and drink to much and either cause trouble or choke and die.
  16. DC

    Birthday Mentions

    f**k the law. I couldn't give a damn about what they think.
  17. DC

    Birthday Mentions

    Only a year "legaly" with me as well. But i dont listen to that, I have been drinking the occasional spirit since 15. But I never cause any problems and I dont drink heavily, so i dont see the problem
  18. Hold on how can I be. Mark and Lards seperate shows have been on for ages, yet I dont listen to them. I couldn't tell you anything about them now. Only Marks ocassional book, and the odd interview on 5live. So thats rubbish. And it's like listening to old Moyles shows from 01' here. The way R1 i put together is way better, they need to get back to this. The old newsbeat beds n that. You dont notice at the time, but when you listen back you realise... Also, people go on and on about big brother all of the time. Those should be classed as mad who stop in on good, nice, sunny days and watch it live on e4, just people sitting around doing jack s**t. How come no-one realises that?
  19. bulls**t, i am not. I could of downloaded these ages ago. But i couldnt be arsed. These are new to me, and it's interesting to hear the music from back then too. Better than Radio 1 is today (not a stab at mills or moyles cos we had them back then as well).
  20. Mark & Lard from 2001. I cant belive how cool this is! hearing how Radio 1 was back then, wish they would put their jingles and newbeds to how they used to be. The ones today sound crap compared to them. Might upload them someday for you... Edit: The Full shows that it.
  21. Christ! I love that orange!
  22. DC

    Anyone else..

    Im taking this as you have tried doing 20 things at once...
  23. DC

    Anyone else..

    sorry Jono. I like to share though...
  24. Went there a long time ago. Over 10 years infact. I enjoyed it though, have a good time
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