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Unofficial Mills


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Posts posted by Aenfa

  1. I am absolutely fed up with Radio 1 editing down and cutting short songs I haven't heard for a long time. It was all noughties this Bank Holiday Monday and they ruined my bank holiday yet again for me by cutting many of the songs. What they are doing is vile and is beyond me. It's basically every day I hear a good throwback played on Radio 1 only for it to be shortened. This makes me extremely angry and ruining my life. It makes me so angry that I sometimes disturb my neighbours and then they come moaning at me. This also happens when I am driving and makes me so angry that I slam my car in the wrong gear out of shear frustration. This is dangerous. My car may end up broken at this rate. No one seems to give a flying toss these days.

    Imagine being in a restaurant enjoying a big burger. Then an idiot suddenly comes along while you're halfway through it and snatches it off you and chucks it in the bin with no explanation. That's how it makes me feel when they cut short my favourite songs. The BBC MUST stop this song cutting on Radio 1 now otherwise be sued. They are vile scumbags for doing this all the time. It's the curse of 2016 when this really started. They never did song cutting on this scale before then so it's over 6 years thus has been going on for so far. I want the radio on to keep me company but this song cutting drives me balmy. It's not that they don't have the full version on their system because full songs are always played on the 10 Minute Takeover on Greg James's show.

    So it's something like every hour they will play a haven't heard it for a while song only for a big chunk to be cut out of it. And as for Radio 1 Anthems... It's the most torturous radio show I have ever heard so I avoid that omnishambles like the plague. They are just vile and don't give a flying toss.

  2. The one thing I would fix is for them to play all songs that are over 6 months old in full when played. This means more of less all the songs on Anthems (the show that's on between 10 and 11am) would be played in full rather then shortened. I can't stand Radio 1 Anthems as it is now. It really upsets me when they cut sort all these amazing throwbacks so I avoid Anthems like the plague. They are murdering the throwback tunes and I think that's absolutely dreadful. I think having them in the mix is alright but they shouldn't start cueing the next song into the mix until there's no more than 30 seconds left of the current song. Throwback Tunes Matter. They should NOT be cut short.

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