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Posts posted by OohErr

  1. I thought they stopped using him when he joined Absolute. Meh, no great loss. When I heard him on R1, bland and couldn't fill a link longer than a minute. Fine for commercial radio but not R1 standard. Maybe in a few years if he gets better he'll end up on Radio 1, they'll have to get more radio people in eventually.

  2. I'm interested to know, has anybody got recordings of various unedited R1 shows from the last few years they want to share? Particularly Dev's Early Breakfast Show and any Greg James, but any really, I'd love to hear. I have a small (but growing) collection of recorded shows, if you want to trade.

    Hopefully we can get a little archive going.

  3. I think the podcast has been pulled from iTunes - new episodes aren't downloading, and it doesn't show up on the search. When I click a Google link to the podcast on iTunes, it tells me it's not available on the UK Store. Anybody else having the same problem? Clearly what happens when you're off for two weeks...

  4. Think Dev and Chris are building up quite a good relationship now- it sounded quite awkward for the first week, and Dev didn't leave Chris much room to contribute, but now it's sounding good, and Dev is getting used to presenting with another person. I enjoy it when Dev's on daytime, prefer him covering Scott when Chris is there over Matt Edmondson.

  5. I thought Matt was very good today, it was a pleasant surprise to hear him instead of Greg. As much as I love Dev (and I do love Dev), I would like to hear Matt doing Greg's show more often. He makes better use of Chris Smith than Dev does, even if it seems chatting to the newsreader after the news isn't the done thing on R1 anymore. But Matt still managed to have very good interactions with Chris, and Pippa as well. Perhaps they can change the cover around, so Matt is Greg's regular cover and Dev is Scott's- I think he has a marginally better rapport with Chris Stark than Matt does.

  6. Nah, think Grimmy'll get drive with Dev on 1-4. I predict they might use any departure from Scott next year to completely reshuffle daytime. Greg to breakfast, Alice to mid-mornings, Dev to afternoons, Grimmy to drive. Hopefully Gemma's binned off too, but think she might be on early breakfast for a wee bit longer first.

  7. Just a thought here, Scott could do his regular show 1-4 Mon-Fri and then do Saturday 10-1, like moyles did between 98 and 01. Matt can then just do Sunday.

    That's silly. Considering the amount of preparation it takes for a show, would you really expect Scott to do six a week? Plus, when would he have time to do stuff to actually talk about on air? Then, why would R1 want an older outgoing DJ to more shows per week, displacing a younger DJ on his way up to just one show a week? That would never happen.

  8. I think that's unlikely for several reasons.

    I don't think Matt would want to go five days a week, because at the moment he does more TV than Scott does, and TV is his main thing. He wouldn't give up TV work to do more radio shows I don't think.

    Plus, I highly doubt Scott would go back to weekends. It's an obvious demotion, and I think he should go out at the top of his game (whilst still on daytime) and not slowly be phased out from Radio 1 by going to weekends. Plus Scott barely does any TV apart from the Lottery and Eurovision anyway, and that doesn't take five days a week.

  9. Didn't even think Rather Be was that good- the strings and piano needed to be higher in the mix, and I'm sure at one point near the beginning Jess Glynne was singing out of time. Plus disappointed they didn't do Mozart's House and Come Over, I was looking forward to hearing those. Overall, didn't live up to expectations.

  10. Don't think so, schedule says Scott's on all next week. Would like to hear that, but don't think it's likely that he'll suddenly introduce new on air personalities whilst Chris is off, it would completely change the dynamic of the show. On a side note, is Cara back producing the show again or is it still Will Foster?

  11. If Chris has gone to Bali for the next couple of weeks, and Scott's still on, does that mean he'll be without Chris for two weeks?

    I'm worried that Scott might be too reliant on Chris, and without him for two weeks he might sound a bit lost and rubbish.

  12. What about his "highbrow talk radio big phone in" feature? I couldn't decide whether it was entertaining and funny or dire and local radio worthy. Think it would've come across better if it felt spontaneous, instead of "and today's phone in: flannel or puff", in an Alan Partridge style.

  13. Holly's chart intro was shortlived. Heard a new version today with the new voiceovers, minus the 'listen from 4, watch from 6' tag.

    The 5pm news intro has been updated too.

    Posted this in the wrong thread, doh.

    Thought the new chart into sounded awful, with the "ONE ONE ONE ONE" non echo.

  14. Dev probably does have new voices, but for whatever reason he never plays his name IDs, only generic Radio 1 ones. He does have a few funny ones he uses sometimes recorded by Matt Fincham, like "Dev- the one with the fat voice". Don't think they'll bother updating the 10 Minute Takeover, they didn't the last time they changed the voices until he got the new jingles if I remember correctly. Dev's ramp, as well as the podcast intros still have Holly and David, so I don't think they're in a hurry to update absolutely everything

  15. Thoughts on Dev sitting in for Scott today and yesterday?

    I thought he was fine by himself yesterday, but today Chris barely seemed to get a word in edgeways other than confirmations. Don't think Dev's used to presenting with another person, I remember thinking the same when he was in for Greg talking to Chris Smith. He seems to forget he's got another person to bounce off, so he is talking for a majority of the links. I think Matt Edmondson has better interaction with Chris, but even that's a bit stilted.

  16. It's sad how much that annoys me! Glad Greg used it, but only for the 5:45 and not all the others! I can think of two possible explanations: either they've been told not to play the version with the new voices for whatever reason, or each DJ has a copy of the News In on their own cartwall pages, so they don't have the new version and play out the older version they've got.

    Is this what it will be like when the new news jingles are launched? Some DJs still playing the old in which is then followed by the new news bed- will sound awful! Seems strange that all the DJs can play the new sweepers and IDs but not the news though.

  17. I have a feeling we will hear this new Newsbeat stuff in September when the line up changes. Sounds like a reasonable time for them to change.

    Well that didn't happen. If they've gone to the trouble of revoicing the current jingles, could be a while until the new package goes to air. The current package was commissioned in July 2010 but wasn't used until June 2011, so it might be a long wait.

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