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Unofficial Mills


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Posts posted by GoOnPigs

  1. Ive always found it brilliant and inspiring. (Doctor Who)

    On another note is anyone else disgusted by the fact that NBC cut the memorial wall to all the lost loved ones and the tribute to all the fallen soldiers and the 7/7 victims for an interview between Ryan Seacrest and Michael Phelps?

  2. Dr who? Why is that anything, compared with the nhs, deaf kids choirs, etc. dr who... Who cares.

    no one said anything about that section. That was childrens literature. Doctor who should have been in the Digital Age section as its one of the most watched and widely broadcasted TV this countries ever produced. Your argument is therefore invalid.

  3. Yeah, cut out for TIME reasons of all things!!! :hahaha:

    and yet they kept in Dizzee Rascal...

    was it just me though or was anyone else getting slightly annoyed at how much the presenters before the ceremony started kept banging on about East London, not even London as a whole. Thought it was supposed to be about the whole country, not just were the main stadium is!

  4. I was saddened though by the distinct lack of Doctor Who, one of the most loved things to have ever come out of Britain. Was also at 1st saddened by the lack of Sherlock but then I remembered Benedict did the opening VT for the games so that made up for it :P

    Other than that I really enjoyed it. Apart from the fireworks. I dont like fireworks...

  5. You can and do find love online, contrary to the nonsense that Viv said a couple pages back. I actually know of someone who met their other half on a site and they are getting married next year I think.

    my mum and stepdad met on a dating website. They got married nearly 2 years ago now and are very happy together

  6. It's not all like that (although quite a bit is). We're not all mental - that's all I'm saying.

    fanfiction in a nutshell.

    It does sometimes annoy me a bit though that all people ever seem to see with fanfiction is the smut and the porn. The majority of it really isnt like that. And now 50 shades has just given it even more of a bad name. After hearing that it was originally a fanfiction I then had loads of people quizzing me about the stuff that I write, even though Ive never written anything x-rated like that in my life people just assumed that I did cos of one example

  7. I was in a restaurant yesterday and a lady at the table next to me was reading it whilst waiting for her food to come. Then once her food arrived to proceeded to talk about what part she was on with her mate.

    To make matters worse my mum has now decided she wants to read it!

  8. So Eastleigh and StopGoSixty were amazing! Its a really lovely town. I got to see quite a bit of it as we walked from the station to my friends house. We walked through the area where Scott grew up and was given a bit of "his mum lives just over there". I also saw the school he went to and my friends were telling me all about the time he visited with the Hoff (turns out it wasnt quite as calm as it all looked in meet the Hasselhoffs lol)

    The band were amazing and such lovely guys. Heres a pic of me with them (excuse the hair)


    the youtube link is a backstage video of the gig which I pop up in a couple of times too XD

  9. Right so here it is. The very 1st tiny section. Ive not even decided if I want to continue with it right to the end (there will at least be a tiny bit more but its getting late and I need more time) but its here for you guys all to lol at anyway. I would also like to take this opportunity to point out to everyone that I am not a professional writer in any way shape or form and will not ever be. So no reading this expecting it to be the standard of actual J K Rowling.

    I think I'm also legally obliged to state that as much as I would love to, I do not own Harry Potter or any of its associated characters or settings. I dont own Mr Mills either, as that would be slavery. This is not written for any kind of profit. I should also probably point out that I know Hogwarts isn't real and I know Scott did not attend there. Its all made up. Its fantasy, hence the title.

    Scott Mills and the Fic He Never Wanted

    From an early age Scott knew he was different from other people. He wasn’t like all the other boys and girls in his class. He knew he was special, but didn’t know why he was special. It was like the world conformed around him. The elements would bend for his ease, the skies would change depending on how he felt and bad things happened to those who were cruel to him. Of course this could have all been a coincidence but Scott had always felt that it was something else. Then it happened. On his 11th birthday, at precisely 10:08 in the morning, a single letter dropped through the door of the Mills household.

    Mr Scott R Mills,

    House With The Red Garage Door



    Scott picked up the letter and studied it carefully. The envelope wasn’t like normal paper, it was brittle and had a slightly yellow tint to it; there were no stamps on the front, and the address certainly wasn’t the address he was used to seeing on the front of all the letters his mum received. His fingers came into contact with something smooth and waxy. Scott turned the envelope over to find a crimson red seal holding the flap of the envelope down. It was like nothing he had ever seen before. The shape of a shield divided into quarters provided the base of the pattern; in each quarter a different creature, the 1st a lion, the 2nd a serpent, the 3rd a honeybadger, and the 4th an eagle. Imprinted on the top of that, a large letter H.

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