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Posts posted by TheEpicPlum

  1. Fit, probably gay, YouTube celebs / awesome people/ psychomaniacs have been given a show on Christmas Day for two hours. They briefly featured on Scott and Grimmy's Fun and Filth Cabaret last year, where they were seen drawing lions on their faces.

    If you don't know who they are, GET OUT. Well looking forward to the show - reckon it'll be great!

    They have a jingle as well, as featured in the last forty seconds of this video:

    Here they are:



  2. Does anyone have the Mills podcast from the 7th of Oct? My email about Gay or European was read out on it. I've only ever had two emails read out on Scott's Show, so I really want it.

    (On the other hand, my emails are read out on Matt's show most weeks. Download the latest podcast and listen to the email at 10:50. I love how often he mentions my name.)

  3. Eugh. Vague homophobic comment.

    I hate that.. Even when people say it's a joke.

    But that's just me..

    Year late comment that'll probably get deleted or something because you're not supposed to dig up old threads, but I REALLY need to say this:

    - I have never, NEVER used the term gay in a derogatory way. Never. (Mainly because when I was younger and it was 'cool' to say it, I had a speech impediment thing and by the time it'd gone, I realised it was such a twat-ish thing to say.) People say it as a pet term for their friends, I think they're idiots. I actually cringe when my friends say it. I think they only do it because when we had a massive fight, they said it to annoy me and haven't grown out of it (and now I'm too scared to tell them it's stupid and misguiding).

    Someone once got mad at me because I said I wrote a gay love story. I wasn't saying it in a derogatory way, I actually have written a gay love story.

    - I was being ironic, only it didn't come across well. So ignore it.

    - I'm pretty sure Louis is gay. Not that it matters. It just kinda makes him more interesting, because he seems to be like, asexual and boring…

  4. • I've actually gotten my two best friends back after a crap year last year.

    • I'm still friends with my bestish friend

    • Actually made friends with people I sit next to in lessons this year

    • Feeling optimistic about my GCSEs. 20/20 on my first Controlled Assessment, Franzi's helped me with my German pratice CA and I think it's pretty good, A* on my Religion & Philosophy past exam q.s. Yeah, I'm just showing off… :P

    • I lost 11lb.


  5. Is it just me or does everybody have that friend who you're only friends with because you made your friends befriend her coz you felt sorry for her. Then she turns out to he stick thin, blond and way more pretty than you. Also, she's like, AMAZINGLY intelligent. Plus, she's got a really good, stable, well-off, highly religious family. And it turns out she's got loads of friends anyway. And a boyfriend who is like, perfect. And then she turns the whole class against your group of friends but your friends kinda forgive her anyway? And she kinda steals your very best friend since yr8 away from you, and makes you think that's just your fault - not hers. But then you realise she's actually quite manipulative. And then she goes on about how fat she is and how horrible her parents are, when it's obvious that she's not - because people mention how she's the 'pretty one' all the bloody time, something that's never happened to you. And she lies about everything, but no one has a go at her about it. And she USES people. Easily.

    Or is it just me?

    I never realised I hated her until this evening.

  6. Because I'm childish, I like the sound of the tomato-y one (the author). Read Never Let Me Go amd that was AWESOME (but the film was crap) and Of Mice and Men. Have To Kill A Mocking Bird on audio in my iPod. I only read half of your list, because I got bored.

    GOOD LUCK (und viel Glück!)

  7. Yah. I hate being unorganised and I haven't done ant homework all week amd I've just been stressed and meh.

    By the way, why does it seem impossible to find nerds on facebook? It's a GRAMMAR school, hello? So why is everyone popular? Also, please can someone give me tips on how to find someone on facebook?

    I think he's in my year but could be in the one above. He is on my bus and quite tall, wears glasses and had a massive backpack, but OMG he has the most beautiful olive-y skin ever. I have tried searching for him under the names Adam, Ben, Ryan, etc. I would have thought we'd at least have some mutual friends. :(

  8. Is this just on iTunes? I'm on my iPod, like I'd be able to download them from the R1 website. I reckon about 90% of the people download the podcasts from iTunes. If this is some ploy to get us all to go to the website, well, they can go f*** themselves.

    It's not just Scott. The Matt Edmondson Show Podcast is ALWAYS up the next morning without fail. Plus, there's always a month's backlog of podcasts. There currently isn't any there. Absolutely no Scott Mills Daily (and if they weren't going to podcast they Edinburgh shows, there should be at least some of this week's).

    I just checked on Zane Lowe, Minimix, Chris Moyles podcasts and there's none of them either.

    What am I supposed to do on my train journey back to my house on Tuesday??

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