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Posts posted by TheEpicPlum

  1. I think you'll find that's, "If you're going to be picky, please can you get it right." ;)
    I'd argue there was no need for a comma in that sentence and the one you've just used isn't needed.

    It's not NEEDED. But can be used. I notice many people wouldn't use one. But it is perfectly acceptable. Before speech, commas are needed. And at the end of speech. Plus the speech was never concluded by speech marks.

  2. Yeah, they say it's hard to polish a turd but seems Pro.Green has done that crazy thing of actually making an awful song even worse than the original.

    I hope something really bad happens to Pro. Green X X (Just spreading the love guys) 8)

    Don't diss Professor Green. I want no love from you. D:

  3. It wasn't bad. Seem to be in to comedy atm. Watched Lee Nelson's Well Good Show earlier, and My Family on Saturday, because the son came out(: Outnumbered yesterday.. Russel Brand's Something-or-Other. Blame my friend. She doesn't really give a damn when someone is dying of cancer, her mother's died, she's totally religous, and her boyfriend used to be popular but destroyed his social status for her. (Some random film we have been watching in R.P). But stays up till four watching comedy on iPlayer, after I fall asleep as 12, in the middle of Love Actually (best film ever), which I've forced her to watch (I'd been going to sleep rather late all week watching Verbotene Liebe - a German soap with English subtitles, and As The World Turns - an American soap. Certain storylines can be found on YouTube.)

    Actually. Was there a point to this post???

    Scott looked rather fit in the 5 seconds we saw of him.

  4. Can I just quickly ask what is up with the adverts on UM at the moment? I only seem to get Online Senior Dating and other random things. Plus, what the hell is 'Fish Dating'??? I'm tempted to click on it, but rather afraid.

    (Nothing to do with show, but I couldn't say it anywhere else.)

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