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Posts posted by TheEpicPlum

  1. Spent the day shut in my room, rewatching the Luke and Reid storyline from a crappy American soap opera for the fifth time. My birthday today and I'm equally depressed. Not got any cards or presents. No special meal. Just gunna stay in my room and moan about how much I hate my life.


  2. Reality TV is amazing. I live for The X Factor. But, as a self-admitted TV addict, I state for a FACT you can not get better than drama.

    Spoken language is kind of messed up compared to written or scripted language, plus, everyone on reality TV is really bloody dim normally. But I also think reality TV can be defined in different ways. I mean, I would say Big Brother and TOWIE are reality TV, but not really The X Factor.

    I normally only watch proper reality TV when I'm bored, rather than scheduling it in.

  3. People working in the public sector have to join a union, right? And if their union strikes, then they HAVE to strike. So it's hardly the fault people actually working in the public sector…

    Ignorant view: I found the strikes great. Day off school and went to Southampton with my friends and had a well fun day. :)

  4. only to those failing to understand irony. I won't be surprised you and Viv are included in that...

    Mate, I totally understand irony - I am the master of it. But, that implies cruelty anyway.

    Do you know anyone taking part in the strike?

    Clarkson says no, of course not. He isn't friends with people in the public sector; he surrounds himself with rich, famous people. He doesn't have the moral capacity to empathise with people less well off than himself.

  5. Struggling a little with my science work...and my GCSE exams are in January...
    GOOD LUCK! Are you in year 11? I thought you were born in 94, which'd make you at least. . . well, I can't count, but two / three years older than me.

    I HATE science. I just know that I'm gunna do crap in it. Have to take all three sciences compulsory. :(

    What sucks in my life??MY ENGLISH TEACHER. SHE HATES ME. She gave me 25/30 on my last controlled assessment which goes towards my GCSE mark. Now, no offense, but AGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGHGHGGHH. I'm not brilliant at analysing plays or anything, but I deserved full marks, like I got on my first one. And she marked me down on my speaking and listening coz my friend spoke to me. So, instead of getting a band 5, I got a band 4. We had to write a script, act out (ACTUALLY ACTING) AND EVERYTHING. We all got band fours, whereas EVERY other English group got band fives.I'm not being big-headed or anything, but I am pretty good at English . . . And our English groups are mixed, not in actual sets. So, thanks to my English teacher, I have no hope of getting an A*. Whereas (this'll sound harsh) people in other sets worse than me are gunna get better than me.

    SHE CAN'T EVEN TEACH!! What is up with that? She doesn't help us. She gives us creative crictism AFTER we've done our controlled assessments that go towards my GCSE.Listen, someone who got a worse score on the exact same project last year (when my whole class had the same English teacher), didn't put that much effort in compared to me, got FULL MARKS.WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?Apparently I didn't refer to structure enough. My other friend who got full marks in it, said that she didn't refer to structure AT ALL! I spent NIGHTS revising for that bloody controlled assessment. 25/30 is hardly worth it.

    Also, I HATE MATHS. I spent that whole year last year putting SO much effort in in order to get into set one. Now I'm in it and I hate my maths teacher. I haven't learnt a thing this year. Maths test tomorrow. Don't know what a bearing is, nor do I know how to do 3D trigonometry, or even 2D. And scale factors.... what??As you can probably tell, I'M MAD.

  6. Yes, while making the excuse about a technical issue... VERY convenient. Maybe they're trying out the Clarkson effect after people talked about him for Days after what he did last week... getting attention etc.

    Well, he was a twat about it.

  7. It was during vernon's show monday. Marcus was a guest. he showed up with a big sign twenty feet high with "voice rest" on it, which meant he wasnt gonna speak. the voice will be a new singing comp in the spring with reggie yates. seems the whole of xfactor is a fix, as amelia lily has been announced on hmv site as the winner. i am in bed in shock.


  8. shame on you for starting a thread about the weekly karaeoke competition :P

    on a side note, i have a little suspicion you have a bit of an attraction to gay men?

    What gave you that idea? Just coz John Barrowman, Scott Mills, Will Young and some actors who you wouldn't know but played gay characters in this teen soap are on my fit wall? My massive Will Young poster at the end of my bed proves NOTHING.

  9. Amelia is actually my very favourite. In fact, the only one i would say can do anything. marcus is being a diva arse, and even mills said so on the radio this evening. showing up at the station with "im not talking" signs .... get over yourself.

    When was this please? And what voice? BGT all the way.

  10. I was surprised to find no thread about this year's X Factor, so I thought I'd start one myself.

    Most of my favourites have already been knocked out:

    • John, the gay one with the fringe who liked chocolate digestives with butter.

    • The gay teacher guy who was knocked out at boot camp

    • Johnny. Need I say more?

    • Stefan Romer, the gay, blond one out of The Risk

    • Craig Colton, the chubby gay one

    • Joe, the surprisingly not gay one who sounded like Paolo Nutini

    My favourite is of course Marcus, the one with the v. v. v. fit boyfriend, who was a member of Eton Road which came 5th in The X Factor in the third series. Marcus became lead singer of Eton Road after the gay, emo lead left the band. Yeah.

    I don't like Amelia Lily because she has an unfair advantage (has been doing gigs down the country, gaining experience and promoting herself while the others have been in The X Factor house). And Little Mix I don't like because, well… they're girls. And unfortunately I don't swing that way (unless Lady Gaga's involved).

    Yeah, so, who's your favourite?? And who do you think'll win?

    I kinda think Little Mix will win and I think I'll be OK with that. Tulisa deserves it and I reckon Marcus will do better in the long term if he comes second. :)

  11. I hardly listen to it anymore. Tuned in today, heard Sara Cox's annoying bloody voice and turned off. I got back into it a few weeks ago and listened to a few podcast, but then one of the Dear Scotts was fanmail asking for a signed autograph and I got well mad because I've emailed in, sent letters, tweeted so many times with no reply. I threw my iPod (GENTLY) across the table in the middle of chemistry because I was so mad.

    Personally, I prefer Radio 4.

    (Lul, I actually do listen to that, but I wouldn't say I prefer it.)

  12. Amongst othe things, I seem to have a mass of spots on my chin (i.e. three). Not a good look.

    Oh, and I write awfully. I cringe at my horribly clichéd writing: His lips were warm and boyish. Our tongues intertwined in a moment of want and need. He tasted like heaven and bubblegum.


    But it's OK, because Derren Brown told me I'm a miracle.

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